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The Alpha King's Mate

The Alpha King's Mate

Author:Jazz Ford


A sprite princess hidden by magic in a forest. Her species and many others destroyed in the war until the Moon Goddess sets her free in a time where only humans and werewolves coexist. A new war between the two Kingdoms begins, but what happens when the sprite princess has lust for both Kings and must choose one side? What if the human king declares his love to her and the Alpha King claims her as his mate? A story of war, betrayal, lust, and love.
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I dedicate this book to all my readers and fans who encouraged me to keep writing and for their kind words across social media. Without you, my books would not exist.

Millenia ago, supernatural creatures existed alongside humans, and reigned over their own kingdoms. Werewolves, witches, sprites, humans, and orcs roamed these myriad dominions.

Humans felt threatened by these creatures, and so, one day, a war erupted. Humans hunted, captured and killed the elemental sprites, pinning their crimes on the orcs, and leaving the bodies of the sprites on orc land.

After this massacre, King Pyrus and Queen Lydia, the rulers of the sprite kingdom, consulted the leaders of all realms. It was agreed that all kingdoms would help defend the sprites from the orcs.

King Asher, the ruler of the human realm, was one of the leaders who agreed to help, convincing the other kingdoms that the orcs needed to be eradicated before they killed everyone, and wrongly rose to power, ruling every land.

Physically the strongest of all species, the orcs, in retaliation for being accused of a crime they did not commit, wiped out half of the kingdoms during the war, before being exterminated themselves. Recovering from the war, every race was at its weakest, for every kingdom had lost a great many in number. It was a long-held human agenda that all humans would opposition themselves against every other supernatural creature. They took advantage of the opportune timing, knowing kingdoms were ebbing at their lowest.

Humans herded witches in droves, before burning them alive on stakes, for all to see. They captured werewolves and locked them up with heavy, chains of silver, before torturing them to death. Elemental sprites were killed with iron weapons.

It didn’t take long for the werewolf kingdom to realise that it was the humans who initially killed the sprites, and not the orcs, who were wrongfully accused. With the orcs’ assumed extinct, and with a population much larger in number than the others, werewolves were the next strongest species.

Being too trusting did not work out well for the sprites or the witches. Unaware the humans were the catalyst of the massacre, they were gathered, and killed. In the end, only humans and werewolves remained.

Werewolf King, Alpha Dominic, and King Asher, agreed to an indefinite truce, the humans knew the werewolves were much stronger in strength, and the werewolves didn't want to witness any more death. They agreed to keep to themselves and avoid each other's territory. The land was surveyed and reallotted to both parties, precisely, and identically halved. A large forest between the two halves became a no-man’s-land, that neither party could lay claim to.

King Asher ruled West Wallow, and Alpha Dominic ruled Moon Crest Valley.

A thousand years later, knowledge of this great war, and the existence of these supernatural creatures dissolved into fairy tales for children. One night the Moon Goddess decided changes were afoot, and in time, the true meaning of fairytale would be uncovered.

The moon shone brighter than ever before, illuminating a tree in the forest. The tree shivered, and its trunk opened, revealing a beautiful little sprite inside, who crawled out, yawning from a lengthy slumber. Her existence went unknown for the next twelve years, and she lived in the forest happily, until she was eighteen.