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The Alpha's Seduction

The Alpha's Seduction

Author:Larose Semsem


“Have you had enough of your games?” his hand sneaked around my waist, bringing me closer to him as he whispered that question “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I let out a silent sigh and rolled my eyes at him. “I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about,” came his husky drawl. He had dropped his head to nuzzle my neck in a sensual manner that made me slightly weak to the knees. “Let me go,” I could NOT allow myself to be seduced by him, then immediately regretted as I noticed the darkening of his eyes. His hands were firmly – and somehow possessively so, I might add – holding my bottom. “What…” the protest died on my lips since he chose that moment to possess my mouth with his.
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  I was idly sitting on my chair; at the only available desk I had found when I first entered the classroom this morning; the one at the very back.

  Not that I was complaining, mind you! No, not at all.

  I didn’t like being in front, way too close to the teacher. The middle offered one major inconvenience; I would be surrounded by other classmates from all sides, which was not what one would be willing to go through if they were the second-to-biggest loner of the school. These were the reasons why the desk at the back suited me just fine.

  I was not antisocial or anything, it’s just that I earned the right to be at this school; an honorable private school that I wouldn’t have been able to even dream of because of its expensive fee.

  But, lucky for me, I was a brilliant student.

  The communication problem I shared with my classmates might be due to the fact that I was a little younger than them. Most of them were seventeen or eighteen, whereas I had still to turn sixteen. The fact that I skipped a grade or two may influence their judgment. And then, there was the fact that I actually had a scholarship to be among these snobs.

  So not easy to make friends, I inwardly sighed.

  My family wasn’t poor – my mother was a nurse and my father a cop. I had two brothers; Jeremy, the older one, was now at the local college, studying mathematics; whereas Jake, my little baby-bro, was in 7th grade.

  So yeah, I led a pretty normal life, with a slightly unusual curriculum.

  I had some friends from my old school, but here I mostly stuck to the loner tag. It was easier that way. I slid through the crowd unnoticed, ignored, and it suited me. No attention, no boys, no drama, no troubles!

  But what I, Jasmine Peterson, didn’t know at the very moment, was that my nice little routine was about to change.

  This was the day that changed my simple life irreversibly.

  This was the day that witnessed the sealing of my fate.

  This was the day that I was sure to never forget –ever!

  This was September 3rd, the 1st day back at school… the day that Jonathan first came into my life.

  And this is my story.

  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

  Murmurs and excited giggles were all over the classroom. By the time the third period began, the female population of the school was in a state of frenzy.

  Why, you would ask?

  Were they having a class trip? No.

  Would the school have to close for reparations or something? No.

  Would there be a big party – where they could shamelessly expose more flesh than they covered with some provocative dress? Again, no.

  There was a new student – as simple as that!

  Word was that he was one fine specimen – some even said drop-dead gorgeous. That was the reason for their thrill, as shallow as that may seem.

  “He can have me anytime anywhere,” I heard one of the girls confess dreamily earlier, her voice quaking.

  I just hastily made a beeline to my desk – at the back, my favorite spot – almost afraid of being contaminated with their way of thinking.

  And it was frightening, to have such low self-esteem. Unbelievable!

  One of the wannabe-cheerleaders sighed breathlessly, “I would die for him to acknowledge me. A stare would melt my insides, a wink would take me to the sky… a touch, I dare not think about that.”

  Yeah, let’s not, I wanted to scoff at the drama club member, but ruthlessly squashed the urge to do so, efficiently keeping my mouth shut. I didn’t want attention and I most definitely did not want to get myself in any unnecessary trouble.

  But, seriously; what the hell, man? I could not understand those girls even if I did my best trying – not that I wanted to, to be honest.

  The teacher came in, and instantly, the bubble of excitement dulled, and the giggles subsided until there were no other sounds but those necessary to our lives –our breathing.

  Yes, the teacher was strict like that. He wouldn’t start his lesson until he was sure he had everyone’s full attention; and just then, he had it.

  As soon as he greeted us, there was a knock on the door, followed by the late entry of a boy whom I had never seen before… but then again, I never paid much attention to the faces I bumped into in the hallways. And he was just that, another face.

  “You’re late,” the teacher barked angrily.

  “I’m new, and I was lost,” came the defensive drawl.

  His voice was quite deep, like a bedroom voice, probably gained after countless trainings to have such perfection. Well, maybe not perfection, but still… I heard the girls in the classroom sigh in bliss or maybe was it lust – though possibly both – so I could only guess it gave the desired effect.

  I looked at his face. He was not the usual blonde boy, nor was he strikingly handsome. He had a square hard jaw with high cheekbones, black hair that was spiked up somehow messily and flawless tanned skin.

  I saw his eyes narrow ever-so-slightly right before he shifted his electric-blue gaze from the girl who was already shamelessly flirting with him, right in front of his tall standing form, in the front row. His eyes locked mine captive for seconds before I averted my gaze, internally scolding myself for staring at him like that – like all the other girls.

  Admittedly, he was something all right. But that was no reason to stare at him like that.

  I’m sure he has an ego big enough; no need to boost it further, I thought bitterly, angry with myself for checking him out, before settling for a reasonable excuse that seemed to appease my mind. I had merely been getting to know my new classmate, or so I tried to convince myself. I was just a curious little thing, nothing more… Yeah, I had no interest in him whatsoever.

  The teacher asked him to take a seat wherever he wanted. There were some desks available; three near some all too eager girls, and one beside a boy – with an equally big ego – who was sitting two desks ahead of me.

  Surprisingly, he headed to that one last desk, before grabbing it and effortlessly pulling it up over his head, making a show of rippling muscles for the greedy eyes of those shallow girls as he walked straight towards me.

  My eyes widened, horrified. My heart accelerated, pounding hard against my chest.

  What the hell is he doing? I thought, panic rising within me.

  He put the desk right beside mine, too close for my liking, yet with enough room for a person to slide in between.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” The outrage couldn’t be clearer in the teacher’s voice.

  Yeah, just what do you think you’re doing? I wanted to repeat but refrained from doing so, not wanting to draw attention to myself.

  “I like the back,” The new student stated matter-of-factly. I felt his eyes upon me; and I all but winced at the scrutiny I was being subjected to.

  I felt other stares and was almost petrified to notice the envy, the jealousy and the warning looming in the eyes of probably all of my female classmates. I stiffened before shifting uncomfortably in my seat, fidgeting with my hands nervously at the unwanted display of attention.

  Here goes my comfortable little routine, I inwardly sighed, trying –and succeeding– to ignore his hot stare the best way I could.

  Fortunately, the teacher clapped his hands to have the classroom’s attention back and the lesson soon started.

  My perfect little plan of “No attention, no boys, no drama, no troubles” seemed so far away right now; I almost wanted to cry – almost.

  He had already granted me the first forbidden fruit.

  How long would it take for him to break my other resolutions? I couldn’t be less sure. I only knew I would most definitely not succumb to him. If he thought I was one of those easy, shallow girls who would stop at nothing to have his attention, who would just throw themselves at him, he had another thing coming.

  “I’m Jonathan,” he whispered to me.

  A small hum in acknowledgment was all he got in response as I stubbornly kept my gaze on the teacher lecturing us.