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Mated To The Hybrid Alpha

Mated To The Hybrid Alpha

Author:Wil B


Alexa Today is my birthday, which is supposed to be a happy day. But I only have fear, because .... "You're going to be under my body the moment you clock twenty," his words echoed in my head. Alpha Diaz, the evil, betrayer who killed my whole family! I will never be his bed-warmer! Never! I must escape from here! *** Alpha Lyell "MATE! She is our mate! We must get close to mate... I've never smelt this before! It's her...we must get to her! Mate! Mate!" What my wolf said made me freeze. Mate? Just as I was about to freak out, sniffing the hair like a fucking hound dog and barging recklessly into the palace grounds to look for proof, I saw a feminine figure. She raised her head to meet my gaze and just like that, I was frozen. I didn't expect it to be her... *** Alpha Diaz "How did a female escape the watch of an able-bodied man?" I looked down at the weasel bowing at my feet. I sat up my throne and turned to the nitwits that were supposed to be guarding her room. "S....sire, it was my fault. Sh...she used the-" I got off my throne and climbed down the stairs. I stopped in front of Kona, the one who was supposed to be guarding my toy's room. I bent to his height and pulled his chin up with my finger. "Find her and bring her to me alive." "What about the wolf, My Lord?" Yes, the wolf. Her MATE. "Kill him."
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Alexa's Point Of View

"Therefore, as the next in line as alpha of Raven Pack, I, Diaz Viceroy, sentence Drago Northwolf, and his family, to death."

"No!My mum! Dad! My father is innocent! He did not commit treason! Let him go!”I ran out crying, trying to tear apart the men who were holding my parents. But it was useless, my strength alone was too weak in front of a whole pack.

Beta stood up and ordered,"Someone get that traitor's daughter out of here! She is to become a slave for the pack and a bed warmer for the alpha when she's old enough!"

"No! No! Let me go! Father! Father!"

Before my eyes, the executioner let his knife down and my father's head rolled to my feet.


I snapped my eyes open, my chest rising and falling as I breathed heavily. A soft hand suddenly appeared on my forehead.

"Alexa, did you have a nightmare again?" My friend Ivy said as she looked at me worriedly. I looked into her tired eyes. She must have been taking care of me all night.

"How are you doing? Feeling a little better than yesterday?"

"You don't know, you looked as lifeless as if you were dying when Roman brought you back from the jail. Luna and Alpha were so cruel! Just because you accidentally spilled water on Luna's clothes, how could they lock you up and not allow you to eat anything!"

Ivy's words brought me back to reality. I finally remembered. Three days ago, I accidentally spilled a bit of liquor on Luna and she ordered me to be put in jail.

Since my parents died, I have lived as a slave to the pack. Even though I have always been careful to fight not to make mistakes, they always find a reason to punish me.

I also realized that it had just been a dream, but that dream wasn't false. 11 years ago, I witnessed my parents being killed in front of me, and that scene kept appearing in my dreams.

I looked into Ivy's worried eyes, and I smiled and told her I was fine.

When a glimmer of light appeared outside the window, I realized it was already the next day and I had slept the entire day. But thinking about what might happen tonight, I'd rather I never wake up.

Today was my 20th birthday, and Alpha had announced to the wolves eleven years ago, in order to make me live in complete hell, that when I turned 20, I would be completely his whore.

I felt the weight on my shoulders become even more unbearable and I felt a wave of vertigo. But there was simply no time left for me to grieve. Without waiting for us to get up, the snarky voice of the head maid appeared in front of Ivy and me.

"Are you lowlifes still asleep?!"Like they were enchanted, the rest of the maids woke up at the sound of the head maid's voice. Anyone she found asleep would regret sleeping. We quickly made our beds and left the quarters for the first work of the day - work on the rice field.

Yes, even though I will be sent to the Alpha's bed, I will still need to do chores like a slave until then.

"Move move move!" The guard yelled angrily, lashing his whip at the nearest person to him. We were all in a single file. The guards guarded us on both sides of the line, whipping anyone who got on their nerves or slowed them down.

"Get to work" The head guard instructed. We all dispersed to our various posts.

"Gosh, I hate working here," Ivy grumbled silently as we began to pick the weeds.

"Shh, they might hear you," Roman said, not knowing when he came to us. He warned ivy. I turned and Roman's smiley face came to view. His pack was invaded by the vampires and he was taken as a slave at a young age but he still smiles every second. I wonder what makes him so happy. I forgot how to smile a long time ago.

He and Ivy, my only two friends in the community, I believe that if they had not been by my side, I would not have lasted until my birthday. I thought about killing myself, but I also wanted to avenge my parents, and I wanted to clarify the words that slandered them.

This is my motivation to live.

"Who cares?" Ivy snapped at him silently.

"Some of them have super hearing ability, you know?" He whispered to Ivy. Ivy pursed her lips and hissed. "Forgot about that,"

I diverted my gaze forward and saw one of the guards staring intensely at me. I returned his gaze with a glare.

"Look down you wolfless bitch!" The guard spat but I didn't flinch. Nor did I look away. I had been referred to as that for as long as I could remember so it didn't mean anything again. It didn't phase me. I was no longer hurt by these kinds of words. They've told me over and over and over again.



Traitor's daughter.


All sorts.

I held his glare and the monster's frown deepened. I must have made him more annoyed, not that I cared. He came over to me and pulled my hair roughly. He spat on my face before pushing me into the mud.

"The likes of you don't deserve to live! You traitor!"

I chuckled bitterly. I supported my legs with my hand and stood up.


A foreign word meaning bastard

." I spat at him disdainfully.

"You bitch! Did you just swear at me? She just swore at me, right? Someone translate what she said!"

"Um," Ivy quietly said, raising her hand. "She called you handsome," she said and I snorted.

Perhaps it was our sarcastic expressions that let him know that the real meaning was not this, and he ran angrily towards me, cursing as he did so: "You lowlifes! How dare you! I will make sure I-"

" Barnabas!" a chilling voice interrupted him, it was Alpha Diaz's second-in-command, Rega. I couldn't figure out why he was helping me?

Maybe he didn't want his alpha to see his sex slave with unsightly scars tonight.

The guard flinched at the sound of that voice. He quickly turned and bowed to the owner of the voice.


The seven-foot-tall man took off his furry coat and gave it to the nearest guard to hold.

"Master Raga is back. When did he return?" Ivy whispered to me.

Raga went to Barnabas and hit him on his bald head with his gloves. "I believe you have other things to supervise, Barnabas, so what are you doing here?"

"B...but master, this slave, she-"

"Stop whining and get to work. Now!"

Barnabas bowed and scurried away. Raga hissed and turned his attention to Ivy and me. His gaze lingered on me for a while. "Get to work," he ordered before turning to leave.

"Gosh, he's so hot," Ivy gawked at the retreating figure of Raga. Master Raga is the head of the pack warriors.

I turned to her, "I thought you said you didn't like him."

"I don't like him because of what he is. You can't deny the fact that he's nice."

I scoffed.

They are all the same. All of them. They are nothing but heartless cold-blooded killers. Betrayers and untrustworthy.

"Today is Alpha Diaz's birthday." Roman said as we walked with the others with baskets of harvested rice in our hands.

I stopped in my tracks. The feeling of fear crept up my spine once again.

"You're going to be under me the moment you clock twenty," his words echoed in my head. No. I can't let that happen. I can't be his bed warmer. I'd rather die than sleep with the man who killed my family.

"Keep moving!" A guard fired and pushed me roughly to the front. I resumed walking with my head filled with thoughts. I have to escape this place and I don't mind dying trying.