
Let’s Read The World

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The Magic In Me

Chapter 2

It was a long twenty minutes drive to school. One which Isabel took in total silence, while replaying the short confusing conversation she had with her father over, and over again till the bus arrived at her school.

Surely she wasn't going to allow her father's rather short conversation to spoil the day before her birthday.

She put on a big bright smile and stepped down from the bus, heading towards the main entrance of the school which had engraved in big letters "NOMAY HIGH" at the very top of the entrance post

"Isabel! Isabel! wait up."

She paused as she heard someone shouting her name, turned to see who it was and it was Julia.

Julia was the first person to make Isabel feel at home when they first moved to the town. She was a nice and warm person to be around, but despite those features, other students failed to see them, and wanted nothing to do with her.

Before Isabel, Julia had no friends, perhaps that was one of the catalysts that boosted their friendship. Even Mr. Andrew was surprised when he heard of Isabel's new friend, Julia.

He knew his daughter never easily made friends, because she never wanted to feel broken when they moved again.

"I can see you missed the bus." Isabel said, with a flashy smile as Julia finally ran up to her.

"Yeah...i...i did…" Julia was breathing heavily. "But then I got a ride from my dad to school, though he dropped me a few blocks away. I saw you on the bus and tried to catch up with you guys on foot."

"So you thought it best to catch up to a moving bus on foot?"

"Well when you put it that way it feels kinda weird." She chuckled but Isabel wasn't in the mode for humor, she had too much on her mind.

"Okay Isabel what's wrong?"

"What nothing!"

"Isabel, I can tell when something is wrong with you."

"I said there's nothing, leave at that!" She exclaimed and turned around. "I'm going to class!" She continued walking towards the entrance.

"Fine, I'm sorry for pushing…!" Julia apologized as they both walked through the halls to class.


Isabel was a girl to never miss any class, or get low marks in classes no matter how difficult it was. But today she felt off, she had a lot on her mind.

Everything was fine, till chemistry class, when Isabel started feeling headaches and everything Mrs. Smith, their chemistry teacher, was saying felt like rubbish.

It was as if the whole class was spinning. Isabel started to breath heavily, the constant talking from Mrs. Smith seemed to be fueling this uneasy feeling.

She couldn't hold it any longer, she needed a quiet environment, one where she could get her head straightened up.

Amidst the teaching, she stood up, all eyes in the class instantly moved to her, "Isabel, do you want to ask a question?" Mrs Smith gestured to her.

"....." She tried excusing herself but she couldn't even hear herself with her head pounding, she quickly turned around and ran out of the class. "Isabel! Isabel!!!" Mrs. Smith called, walked over and stopped at the door. "Come back here!"

"I better go and find out what's wrong with her." Julia walked up to her. "I mean this isn't like Isabel, something is wrong with her! She was off just this morning."

Mr. Smith glanced back at her. "You are right, i am the adult I should go after her—"

"Don't worry about it." Julia cut her short. "You have a class to teach, she probably just needs a friend, not an adult."

"Okay, fine.." Mrs Smith sighed. "You may be right, she is a teenager after all. Go find out what's wrong with her."

"Thanks…" Julia ran out of the class to go after Isabel, only to find out that Isabel had locked herself in one of the toilets in the ladies room.

Knock! Knock!! She knocked on the door softly. "Isabel I know you're in there, talk to me. What's wrong?"

In that slight moment, Julia saw the water in the sink behind her, moving up like there was zero gravity in the room.

Her pace and energy increased, as she now banged on the door. "Isabel!!! We have to go now!!!"

Julia started feeling strong winds coming out from inside the toilet. "Isabel….?" She muttered softly, slowly taking a step back.

Suddenly the strong wind gushed out, pushing her to the floor. The floors and walls of the school started shaking.

It was an earthquake, the town of Nomay had never experienced any incident of quakes before, which scared Julia even more. She crawled underneath the sink closest to her, to protect herself from the quake. She was so scared her hands were shaking.

In the chaos, she saw a man walking into the ladies room. A man she couldn't see clearly, due to the shaking and strong winds coming out from the toilet Isabel had locked herself in.

She soon noticed the man had a familiar face the closer he got, till she realized it was Mr. Andrew. But what he was doing here, what was happening? so many thoughts ran through Julia's head.

"Julia!" Mr. Andrew rushed over to her thinking she was hurt. "Are you okay?" She glanced at her body. "I'm fine, but Mr. Andrew, what's happening?''

"Where's Isabel?'' He dodged the question. Julia pointed to the toilet. "She went in there disoriented. I followed her here to see what was going on with her and then...and then....this quake started."

Mr. Andrew stood up without saying any more words to Julia and faced the door of the toilet Julia had pointed to. "Aperta nunc!" He yelled, the door was instantly pulled outwards, like someone with really strong muscular powers had pulled it out from its very post.

It seemed impossible, it seemed like a dream to Julia. Of all her science classes and books nothing explains a door getting ripped out by mere words, or strong winds coming out of a toilet.

After the door was pulled out from the toilet, Julia saw Isabel. There was something wrong, her eyes were white like someone who had been possessed, staring up at the ceiling.

There were strong winds spinning around her like that of a tornado, while she was levitating in the middle a few feets above the floor.

"Dormi!" Mr. Andrew muttered underneath his breath, the winds and the earthquake all ceased as she gently fell to the ground.

"Oh Isabel, I'm so sorry for not preparing you for this." He walked into the toilet and carried her in his arms like a baby.

He proceeded to carry her out, but paused to glance at Julia. She was curled up in the corner under the sink, shivering with the vivid mixture of fear, surprise and amazement on her face.

"Speak of this to no one!" He moved on, using the chaos the quake had coursed to carry Isabel out of the school, without being seen. Got to his car, placed her in the back seat and then drove off.

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