Abijah's POV
So during the meet & greet week I learned all about my crew. Besides me there were only two other humans that worked in the kitchen, Beatrice and Timothy. The reason was so that each species can prepare its own cuisine for it's own kind. So the vampire crew cooked for vampire students and staff. Werewolf crew cooks for the werewolves and so on.
So I learned the names and species of my crew, I was literally the only new face. There were three merpeople, Star, Waverly and Dirk. Two vampires, Erivik and his daughter Eri. Four dragons, Zaire, Roxi, Asher and Jed. Two Fae, Zachary and Tsporah, two wizards, Sedrick and Alfonso. Five witches named Pearl, Diamond, Jewel, Gemma and Monae. And nine werepeople because the school was still predominantly werewolf and also they ate way more than the regular individuals they were named, Caleb, Marco, Jacob, Marlena, Tyeisha, Sashay, Ceren, Aylah and Halima.
They are to inform me of what I would need to get 2 weeks in advance normally. So we can be prepared just in case of delays. The kitchen was enormous, but I guess it has to be considering the amount of food that needs to be cooked and for so many different types of individuals. There's a whole wall aquarium that connects to the outside that's fully stocked weekly with fresh seafood for the merpeople.
Cold storage of blood packs for the vamps. A huge meat locker for fresh raw meats for the dragons. Lots of pantry space for the dry foods and fresh baked breads, a huge walk-in cooler and fridge for all perishables located in the back. There's even a daycare here in the school so we have storage for breastmilk and baby food.
We got our first truck today, our driver, Jimmy, is something else. The ladies already warned me that he's married but is a huge flirt, but he means no harm. But I was still surprised when I heard a long wolf whistle, I turned around to see this tall built man in a navy blue short sleeved button top and matching cargo shorts with steel toe work boots staring at me, leaning in the entrance of the delivery door with his arms crossed, holding some papers checking me out.
"Well hello, and who might you be gorgeous?" His voice was silky smooth and deep. He was caramel colored, with grey eyes, thin eyebrows, hooded eyes, long lashes, a broad nose, wide juicy off pink lips and a long chiseled face he was handsome. I see some tattoos running down his arms and legs and he had long wavy black hair that came to just pass his shoulders.
"I'm Abijah, the new kitchen manager, its a pleasure to meet you" I walk towards him with my hand extended, he grabs it turns it and plants a kiss on my knuckles while looking me in my eyes! 'Gasps' 'Gulps' 'Shiver' Are they sure he doesn't mean any harm? "I'm Jimmy and the pleasure" he smirks looking me up and down, "is All mine!" I chuckled nervously trying to take my hand back. He let's go after a long while.
I heard a noise behind him and seen three people coming towards us with dollies full of boxes. We moved to the side, "This is Timmy, Tammy and Jamey my triplets and assistants." They all nod as he announced their names. "They are your kids?" I asked a bit confused, they didn't look that old enough to be grown and he didn't look old enough to have grown kids!
"Yes! Why they don't look like me? I swear I'm the father!" he says in mock dramatic shock, then laughing. I grin he has a sense of humor, cool. "I didn't mean it like that Mr Jimmy, just that you look too young to have 3 grown kids!" He beamed at me showing his pearly whites and said, "Why thank you ma'am and its just Jimmy, my wife calls me Mr!" he winked at me and kissed my hand again. I chuckle shaking my head, he is something else. They continue bringing in my order, he passes me the paper and I check that everything is here.
While they finished with the delivery, I admire the kitchen some more. It was very state-of-the-art, elegant and efficient. The decor was modern and classic colored in pack colors of deep purple, teal and gold throughout the kitchen and school. For it to be such an old school building it's kept up quite well. So once we had everything stocked and stored from the truck we received, we sanitized the kitchen and with the third day done we all left to go home.
On my way walking to the bus stop this lime green and black Ford Mustang pulls up along side of me and the window lets down. I stopped walking, eyeing it cautiously, bending down I see this gorgeous man smirking at me, "Hey beautiful, I'm Shawn and you are..?" he asks looking me up and down, my breath caught in my throat, whoa he was fine!
"Abijah" I say a bit shy at him openly checking me out. He licks his lips tantalizingly slow then slowly repeats my name. I felt wildly aroused by this action and gulped.
"Where are you going, would you like a ride?" he asks me in his deep sultry voice. I can hear a Spanish accent but it wasn't thick.
"I'm on my way home and I have a bus pass but thanks anyway." I say kindly, turning to leave, he chuckles.
"Are you single?" He asks, my eyebrows rose and my mouth popped open with a little pop noise. I blinked, nodding slowly.
"I'd like to go out with you, if you'll have me?" he said looking arrogantly hopeful. "Sure, I'd like that!" I grinned at him. "Well can I give you a ride home now?" he asks more confidently I nod getting in the car. We talk and get to know each other on the drive, I live a good 35 minutes away by car, over an hour via public transportation.
I told him about myself which wasn't really much and I learned that he's a widow with an 8 year old daughter. He's 32 yrs old and is a crane operator at the local recycling center its literally 4 blocks away from where I live. He's also from Chicago but moved to Milwaukee after his older brother, Javier, got gunned down in a case of mistaken identity. He is half Puerto Rican and Italian, whoa no wonder he's hot! He has hazel green eyes, short medium brown hair, huge muscular build and he is about 6'6". He has a slightly chiseled face with minimal facial hair and tanned skin.
By the time we arrive at my aunt's house we agree to go on a date this Saturday. I was overly excited, it's my first date woohoo! I couldn't wait to tell my aunt. I saved his cell number in my phone and he kissed my hand before I got out. I waved him goodbye, checked the mailbox and went inside. I passed her the mail and kept my own saying, "I met a guy today and we're going on a date this Saturday!" I squealed excitedly. She looked at me surprised, "What? Really? Gurl is he fine, how old is he, is he working? Gimme the details!" she was as excited as I was lol. So I told her about him.
"I'm so happy for you niecy poo, just be careful k, you never know what species people are these days!" she says sincerely, giving me a hug. "So how was work?"
"Cool, I've finally started remembering folks names now so that's good." I chuckled taking off my shoes and opening up my mail. It's an invitation to the 'Back to School Ball' at the Alpha & Lunas' palace! WOW! I'm invited? That's freaking awesome! Oh no, it's Saturday, this Saturday! Maybe I can reschedule my date with Shawn? I don't want to be rude to the Alpha and Luna. So I dial Shawns' number.
"Miss me already beautiful?" I giggled, jeez he's cocky. "Umm, I just got an invitation to the ball being held by the Alpha & Luna, and its gonna be on Saturday.. did you want to reschedule our date to Sunday or another day?"
"No, I'm gonna go with you!" he sounded kinda pissed. "Oh um.. ok" I checked the invite it does allow for a plus one, great he can come. "Okay that'll be perfect! We only have two days to prepare and I have no idea what I'm going to wear... hmm I'll do the pack colors. Purple, teal and gold I'll go today and look for something." I say.
"How about I come pick you up and we go get our outfits together." he suggests, but it doesn't sound like he's asking. "That's a great idea, well I'm ready. I'll just be here waiting for you." I tell him.
"Ok let me turn around, I'll blow my horn when I'm outside, okay sweetie?" I giggled, sweetie. "Ok"