
Let’s Read The World

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Touched By Fate

Chapter 2

I was supposed to be at the office today but I wanted to spend time with myself so I told my assistant and partners that I was sick, I stayed at home watching movies and eating ice cream, I didn’t go for a run, I didn’t work out, I just needed time for myself. I needed to be away from work for a day.

When evening came I was bored and I needed to step outside, I knew just where I had to go, so I showered, put on some clothes and came straight to Gomorrah, a gay club in the Upper East Side. Maybe I wasn’t bored and I was just horny, and yes, indeed I was so I looked for the sexiest person to fuck.

A lot of them wanted to have sex with me, even a sixteen-year-old boy who wasn’t supposed to be in here wanted to have sex with me but I turned him down because I am not a paedophile. I was looking for an adult, someone who looked like he had experience, someone who would make the night worthwhile.

And then I found him, a cute Latino, a little bit skinny and muscular at the same time. His round butt behind those skinny jeans were begging me to grip them. His nice heart-shaped lips wanted me to kiss them. I had to know him, I had to hold his dark curly hair tight as I fucked him and I walked over to meet him. I didn’t think he would agree for us to enjoy the night.

But here we are, leaving the club to my place. He’s walking by my side and I can sense him staring at me as we walk, I can hear his heart beating at a normal pace. He’s not scared, he doesn’t think I might be a serial killer which is nice. He doesn’t look like someone who could be easily tricked by a serial killer.

I bring out my car keys and I press the button to unlock the car and I walk toward it he follows me.

“Holy shit! This is your car?” he says surprised, admiring the black RX 350 Lexus.

“Yes.” I open the door to the passenger seat for him and he walks toward me giving me a look.

“I can open the door thank you very much.” He says as he gets into the car. I smile and I close the door. I make my way to the driver’s seat and as soon as I get into the car. He’s connected his phone to the car and is playing a Britney Spears song. I stare at him smiling and he catches me.


“I love how you’ve made yourself comfortable.”

“Oh, sorry, do you want me to disconnect?”

“No, no. I love Britney.”

“You look like someone who loves Taylor Swift.” He says with a grimace.

“What’s wrong with Taylor Swift?” I ask.

“Ugh, everything, her songs are too cheesy,” he says looking out the window and I’m going to let that slide because at the end of the day, we’re just fucking but I still think he’s cute though. So I start the car and I drive away from the bar.

“So you go to the club to forget all your problems?” I ask him.

“Uh-huh. What are you some kind of CEO or something?”

“Yep, I’m the CEO of Claws, a marketing company.”

“You’re the CEO of Claws?” He says in shock. “I thought it was that that scary-looking old guy.”

“Oh, my dad. He died four months ago and he handed the company to me.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry about that. What happened?”

“He was murdered.” I clear my throat. My dad might have been tough on me but he was still my dad and I miss him.

“Damn, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay death happens.” well, it happens to every human but it doesn’t easily happen to werecats, we have nine lives. Someone with a weapon to end werecats once and for all is on the loose and the werecat council still don’t know who it is. We could all be in danger. But I don’t tell him that, he probably doesn’t know that werecats exist.

“What’s your name?” I ask him.

“David, David Ramirez. And I’m guessing you’re a Sharaf.”

“Maxwell Sharaf.”

He nods. “Nice to meet you, Maxwell Sharaf, I can’t wait for us to fuck each other.” I giggle and he’s smiling at me.

“How old are you?” He asks me.

“Uh, I turned twenty-four three weeks ago.”

“Wow, a young CEO. I’m impressed.”

“It’s not that impressive,” he says. And David just says “Hm.” and continues looking out the window. I continue to drive, in silence.

We finally arrive at my home, a penthouse in the Upper East Side. I step out and rush over to open the door for David but he opens it by himself. He gives me a look as he comes down.

“Wow, you’re such a gentleman, if you were straight the ladies would love you,” he says in a deadpan voice and I chuckle. We both make our way to the building.

“Hello, Pascal,” I say to the doorman, a short man in his sixties with a round face and belly. He’s super nice.

“Good evening sirs.” he greets both me and David. I take David’s hand and we both move into the elevator.

“You live in a freaking penthouse,” he says and I say yes. He nods looking around the elevator like this is the best thing he’s seen since he got here.

“How old are you?” I ask him.

“Twenty Two,” he says still looking around and I let out an internal sigh of relief. I thought I brought a seventeen-year-old who looked like an adult. It happened to a friend of mine once and it almost got him in trouble.

We’re here.

“Welcome to my home,” I announce and he looks around.

“Wow, I like it.”

“Thank you, now before we start.” I turn around and I head to the bar. “Can I offer you anything? I have brandy, whiskey and-” He grabs me by the head and starts kissing me. It was unexpected but I’m not complaining, his lips are soft and glorious. And I’m enjoying this activity.

But then I realize something, I stop kissing him.

“How do your lips taste like mint after you threw up?”

“Oh.” he showed me a breath spray. “Sprayed it in my mouth when you weren’t looking.” I can’t say that I’m in love with him just yet because that’s not what this is but I can say that I want to fuck him right now. So I grab him and I kiss him.

Our lips move in sync so viciously like we would eat each other up. His hands are on the back of my head and my hands are squeezing his ass, the ass that has been begging me to squeeze, to fuck. I take his shirt off and he does the same for mine. We both take our pants off. I remove my underwear and I do the honors of taking his off.

His dick is already hard, it’s like seven inches long, mine’s longer but who’s measuring? I guess he is because he’s looking at me up and down with his mouth wide open. I place my hand on my hips and smile.

“Like what you see?” I ask.

“Just fuck me,” he says under his breath and continues to kiss me. I kiss him on his neck and I pick him up with my super werecat strength and I take him to the couch. I kiss him on his neck and he moans. I love how he moans, it’s so cute.

I think I heard him moan in Spanish. I don’t care, as look as he loves what I’m doing.

I begin to suck his nipples. I love how he moans while touching the back of my head. Then my tongue slides down his stomach to his dick. I put the dick in my mouth and I suck it. I’m skilled at blowjobs and I get high orgasms when I suck or jack someone off. I love that they love it when I do that.

I kiss his legs to then I place them on my shoulders. I spit on my palm and I place it on my dick before sliding it in.

“OH!” he lets out a loud moan.

“Relax for me,” I say to him and he does that. I smile at him and he smiles back. I begin to fuck him. My dick going in and out of his ass, I fuck him like he’s mine and only mine. Do I want him to be mine, does my beast want him to be mine? I suck his toes as I fuck his ass. And I kiss him as I pound him. His moaning makes me want to cum a little quicker. But no, I don’t want to cum just yet.

“Faster,” he says and I fuck him faster, anything he says I’ll do. His will is my command.

I know this is only sex and he’s just using me to forget about his ex. I would like to believe that as I fuck him he’s not thinking about his ex at all and he’s thinking about me.

“OW!” he yells and I stop fucking with my dick still in him. Fuck, I accidentally brought out my claws and I think it hurt him.

“Shit I’m so sorry,” I say. Stupid, stupid Max.

“It’s fine, I’m fine keep fucking me,” he says with a smile. And I do as he says, it’s as if his voice is compelling me to do whatever he wants and I like that. So I continue to fuck him, I kiss him some more.

“I’m going to cum.” I moan.

“You can cum inside me,” he says and I smile at him, then I release all of it inside of him and at the same time he cums as well.

“Fuck.” He sighs. I guess he enjoyed it.

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