After 45 minutes, class ended and I was first out of the room. I walked through the crowded hallways, keeping my head down, ignoring everyone in the distance. I dreaded walking into the class that I had next. I had that class with the five most brutal people in the face of the planet. Elijah Stone, Gabriel Isaacs, Desiree Parker, Emilia Crown, and the leader of them, Tate Richardson.
I don't think that they even had an emotional bone in their bodies. Their hearts were made of stone and they were cold and heartless. They picked on literally everyone who came in their way. I felt bad for the student yesterday that accidently walked into Emilia because he was late for class. They waited until class was over before they started to push him and punch him in the halls.
"I hope all of you did your assignments from last night." Mr. Luck said, walking into the classroom. Everyone groaned but I kept to myself. "It's going to count for a big chunk of your grade, as mentioned weeks ago."
I pulled out my ten page paper from my English folder that we had to write on about the book we picked from a hat three weeks ago. I received "The Fault in our Stars", by John Green. Once we had all of the books picked out, she handed us respective papers that go along with our story that we had to answer in the paper.
"Pass them up." Mr. Luck called as I passed up my paper. Gabriel was sitting in front of me as I tapped him on the shoulder when he didn't get my paper right away.
"Hold the fuck up, bitch. I'm getting my paper out." Gabriel turned around and snapped at me. I flinched at his tone and quickly pulled my paper back into my chest. People from behind me in the line, passed theirs to me, as I waited for Gabriel to turn back around to give him the papers.
Mr. Luck went to our row of students as he impatiently waited for Gabriel. "Anytime now, Mr. Isaacs."
Gabriel turned around in his seat as he shot his hand out at me and quickly grabbed the stack of papers in my hand. Since he grabbed them too fast from my hands, he gave me multiple paper cuts as I winced in pain. "Here you go, Mr. Luck. Sorry for the hold up." Gabriel said as sweetly as he could.
"Where's your paper, Mr. Isaacs?" Mr. Luck raised an eyebrow at him.
"At the bottom of the stack, sir." I couldn't see his face, but I'm pretty sure that he had a smirk written across his face.
Knowing that Gabriel was lying, Mr. Luck just smiled at him. "You're five months away from graduating, and at this point, I don't know if you can pass this class, nor graduate from high school with that attitude of yours. Detention."
"For what!" Gabriel then stood up, slamming his hands on the table. I flinched at the sound that his hands made with the table. That sounded like it hurt.
"For your attitude. And for giving Miss Daniels multiple paper cuts for the way that you snatched those papers out of her hand. Don't think that I didn't see what you did." Mr. Luck said, as I fell into my chair deeper, trying to block out the stares that his friends were shooting at me right now.
Gabriel gritted his teeth as he sat back down, but not before turning around and giving me a glare. I held my breath the entire class and finally released it as soon as class ended.
I had math and Spanish my next two classes, and thankfully that no one from the five friends were in those two classes. Sadly, they were all in my next three classes after that: lunch, gym, and art. And then the two girls were in my anatomy class and the two guys, except for Gabriel, were in my senior foods class.
"Hey Payton. How's your morning going?" One of my only friends, Blake asked me. She met me at my locker, as I was switching my morning books out for my afternoon books.
"Paper cuts from Gabriel. I survived." I joked, showing her my hands.
"Better than the punches that he usually throws his way." Blake joked back.
"Yeah. Let's go get lunch, I'm starving." My stomach was practically growling now. I didn't eat breakfast this morning, with the incident with my Mom and Dad.
"I could go for a mashed potato bowl today. I'm starved too." Yum, those mashed potato bowls are the life of this school. Literally, nothing else in this lunch room is good enough to eat, except for that.
Once we reached the lunch room doors, we pushed through and it was like a bees nest. All of the chit chat made a buzzing sound and all of the students that were in the room were the bees. Blake and I made our way to the lunch line. "Mashed potato bowl, please." I smiled up at the lunch lady.
"Sure thing, sweetie." She gave me extra chicken just how I liked it, and smiled back at her.
"That'd be $4.25. Do you want a drink?" I shook my head no. I had a water bottle from my locker that I'd fill up during lunch. "Then it's $4.25."
I handed her my money as I waited for Blake to pay for hers. She grabbed chips, an ice cream cup, and a coke to go along with her meal. "As you can see, I'm hungry." She laughed it off, as I joined her.
We were walking before I accidently made eye contact with Gabriel. He was smirking at me, and I knew that he was up to no good. I didn't want to make a big deal about it and just ignored it. But I should've listened to my guts as Gabriel stuck his foot out, causing me to trip, lose my balance, and sent my food flying.
Straight to Tate's face.