
Let’s Read The World

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The Shadow of Forever

Chapter 2

Dario took a seat in the leatherback office chair and waited for Jessica to start explaining her understanding of the problem. While Jessica explained, Dario’s warning eyes went from Paris to Shysie. Dario was not really worried about Wynn as he was silent -stay out of trouble most of the time, kind of guy. Wynn instantly liked Jessica, but also saw the Spirit Wolf hanging over her shoulders. He also caught a hint of wolf smell coming from her. Wynn thought to himself, she must have a mental block, or else she would have not flirted with Dario let alone be so close to him.’ Once Jessica was done, Paris started a slow clapping of his hands, being sarcastic as he never liked overachievers.

"Enough Paris!" Dario said angrily, slapping his hand down hard on the table, making some of the kids jump in shock. Under his palm, Dario felt the table crack. Dario wiped out Jessica’s work and started the lesson.

The day dragged by for Paris as the teachers came and gone with the ring of each bell. During the break, Paris was disappointed not to see Ann around. Ann was so distracted in class that she decided to stay behind and catch up on some work, revising what was taught. When the bell rang again, she barely got done with one exercise. Ann sighed before grabbing her bag and left the class. She slipped into the bathroom and wanted to wait for the class to fill up before she went back in to take a new seat, far away from Paris. Ann heard what sound like heated passion in one cubicle. She quickly ducked into another cubical and sat on the toilet. The two students sounded like they were done with whatever they were busy with.

"You be a good boy William, not a word to anyone," Shysie compelled William while sealing up the bite marks with her saliva.

Ann was confused about what she heard but kept silent, waiting for them to leave the bathroom.

Ann stepped out of the cubical to make her way to class and got a fright when she saw Shysie.

"You know it is bad manners to eavesdrop?" Shysie said, about to compel Ann to forget what she had heard.

"Was that William?" Ann asked, stopping Shysie in her tracks.

"Yes, why?" Shysie asked, confused. "Is he your boyfriend?" Shysie asked mockingly.

"No! He just never seemed like the kind of guy that would hook up in bathrooms. He is all yours," Ann said quickly and made her way out of the bathroom.

"Shit!" Shysie said, angry that Ann boycotted her attempt to compel her.

Ann got to class and took one of the two available seats in the class. She made sure to be far away from Paris. Paris stood up and was about to compel Ann to take her usual seat when a strict teacher, Mr. Ondrick, entered the class. He gave one look at Paris and, without uttering a word, Paris quickly found his seat. Paris gave a quick glance at Shysie and Wynn, and the looks on their faces made it clear that they knew the trouble that might be coming their way. One look at the three Spirit Wolves sends shivers down their dead spines. A Spirit Wolf looked like someone drew a Wolf coat over them with a neon marker.

Ann felt relieved. She did well in history and got along well with Mr. Ondrick. Even though Jessica did not like history, for some reason, Mr. Ondrick liked her a lot.

After history it was Science, but before Mr. Ondrick left the class, he gave a stern warning to Paris. Mr. Ondrick pushed Paris's hand down with one finger. "If you or your friends cause any problems, you will regret it! You stay in this seat. Let me catch you on another." Mr. Ondrick burned Paris's skin with his touch. Werewolves with Spirits Wolves burnt the skin of Vampires and Mr. Ondrick was a Werewolf born from an ancient pack of Werewolves. Besides being a Werewolf, Mr.Ondrink was also one of the most powerful shamans alive.

Paris managed to pull his hand away. He could not believe that this Lycan-Werewolf-Shaman just burnt him. Paris knew he was the only one that could see the smoke coming from his burning dead Vampire skin.

Dario walked a wide circle around Mr. Ondrick. They looked each other in the eyes. With an uncomfortable stare-down, Mr. Ondrick made his way out of the classroom.

Dario started the Science lesson and in the back of his mind, he hoped that Mr. Ondrick will keep his word regarding not contacting the Council until he and his small group of Vampires can find proof that they did not commit the crime they were accused of committing.

Earlier that day, during break time, when Mr. Ondrick cornered Dario, he read Dario’s pass with a spell to see if he spoke the truth regarding them hiding out in Alaska. After Mr. Ondrick saw that Dario spoke the truth and refused to help them clear the air, he agreed to only let them be if they don’t cause any trouble.

Jessica stared at the back of Dario, wondering why he was so indifferent toward her. She never had a problem getting teachers to like her, especially the young ones, regardless of whether they are male or female. She drifted off in thought, thinking about Miss Wangberg. Just a week ago, she was on her lap kissing her female teacher during break time. How much has changed over a weekend?

"Jessica? Are you coming?" Ann tapped Jessica’s head, which seemed to be miles away. School was over.

In the girls' locker room, they were putting on their swimsuits for swimming class. "How hot is the substitute?" Jessica asked Ann.

"Yeah, I know, right? Did you notice that the three new students and Mr. Carden have a blue shine to their eyes? I wonder if Shysie and Wynn are twins," Ann asked Jessica, wondering.

"I noticed. Maybe they all wear contact lenses, even though it looked like Shysie and Wynn's eyes are just bright blue. Who knows?" Jessica left the locker room first, followed by Ann.

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