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Rejected Ex-Luna, Come Back to Me
Rejected Ex-Luna, Come Back to Me
Book1 (Chapter 1~188, completed): “Please...come back to me, be my Luna again, Charlotte,” Hayden said. I sneered. “You don't even qualify to be my Omega. What makes you think I would want to be your Luna?” “Then let me be your slave,” the shameless mate who had rejected me begged. ------------------- I had been claimed and married to my mate, Hayden for three years, but everything changed when his brother died. He began to ignore me and get closer to his brother’s widow, Sofia. Everyone could see how much he favored Sofia over his own mate, me. I turned a blind eye and endured it all because he was my destined mate and I loved him so much. But Sofia framed me for causing her miscarriage and everyone blamed me for it, not to mention my mate. My mate forced me to kneel and apologize to that bitch who had tried many times to drive wedges between me and my mate, with the help of his sister, Milla. Hayden didn't even want to listen to my explanations. He gave me a choice - apologize or divorce. I would never apologize for something I didn't do and thus I chose divorce. No one knew I was actually the next-Alpha-in-line of one of the most powerful packs. After the divorce, I went back to my pack and take over my birthright - becoming a powerful Alpha and showing Hayden that he was nothing to me and my life was better off without him! ******************************* Book2( From chapter 189~287, completed): As the Alpha princess, I enjoy all the glory and wealth, but my heart only yearns for freedom and love. Much to my luck, I found my fated mate, Alpha Shawn Evander when I was nineteen. He is one the most eligible bachelors currently, but my parents, especially Dad is so against our mateship, he keeps urging me to break up with Shawn. Why should I break up with my fated mate? I love him too much and decided to make a bold choice - to marry him during my twentieth birthday party secretly. So, it should be a happy day, right? Nope. Imagine my shock when I saw my bestie and Shawn together, betraying me during what was supposed to be our wedding day! In the end, I didn’t get married to him and went to a bar to drown my sorrow when I stumbled across an Alpha who needed a mate to break his curse, and we decided to have a contract marriage between us. But when I went home and sobered up, I realized who that Alpha was - Alpha Maximillian Vestvertine, also known as the most ruthless and arrogant Alpha of all. However, I never ezxpect that this coldest Alpha would be so eagar to have me....
The Arena: Finding My Mysterious Mate
The Arena: Finding My Mysterious Mate
Tana is a fire dragon, one of only four Elemental Dragons left in the world. For nearly a year, she has battled in the Arena, a supernatural gladiator fighting ring where you must fight to the death. Most die in their first competition. Others survive a couple of weeks. Only a few have survived this long. Tana hid her true identity from everyone. If they knew what she was, her fate would be worse than the Arena. Cedric, a Lycan, believed his pack would quickly rescue him and the other shifters after their capture by hunters. Left to fend for himself in the Arena, Cedric meets Tana. Together, they form a powerful bond and help each other survive. Cedric is convinced that Tana is his fated mate, assuming she's an Alpha werewolf to have survived so long. When they finally get a chance to escape, Cedric claims Tana as his mate, and he marks her in a night of passion. Only when he sinks his teeth into her neck, he feels a power like never before, and he realizes she is no werewolf. Confused and angry at what he considers a betrayal, Cedric leaves, only to return to find her gone the next morning. One night of passion was all it took for Tana to become pregnant. Rejected by her mate, she forges a new life in the city for herself and her child, steering clear of werewolf packs in hopes of avoiding Cedric's presence. Unbeknownst to her, he has been hunting for Tana since the night he left her. What will happen when their businesses bring them back together, and he finds that Tana now has a daughter? Will he accept her? Or will he reject her again, leaving their bond forever shattered?
Moon Touched
Moon Touched
My name is Katia, and I am just trying to survive until my fated mate arrives. Which may be easier said than done. Rejectection is the last straw. Whispering my acceptance of his rejection. I run through the pack house, out across the manicured lawn into the forest. "I'm sorry, my sweet girl," I say to my wolf. I'm sorry you have been stuck with me and have had to suffer everything I have. She whispers," it's not your fault, Katia. We came to a cliff with a waterfall. The hurt keeps pounding at me. I need it to stop. My sweet girl, and I just want peace, I keep running and leap off the cliff. Spreading my arms wide, with tears streaming down my face, I fall, not making a sound, waiting for sweet oblivion where we feel nothing ever again. "I love you, my sweet girl! Until we meet again, "My wolf replied just before we hit the water, "I love you too, Katia. I have never regretted a moment with you." The Snow Moon pack is having their last barbecue of the summer next to the waterfall on their land. The adults are laughing and joking while watching the pups play. The alpha, beta, and gamma are swimming with some of the older children and playing a game of Marco Polo. Someone yells, “Oh my goddess, someone just jumped over the waterfall!" Everyone is frozen as they watch what looks to be a child falling arms spread wide, no one makes a sound. The small body hits the water like a plane crashing into the side of a mountain. The alpha, beta, and gamma, spring into action, swimming towards the area the person went under. The alpha is screaming his wolf is going crazy repeating, “Find her. Find her...find her!" They dive and the beta surfaces with a small person in his arms. Alpha takes the girl from his beta, laying her on the ground. The men are shocked by what they see. She is covered in scars and injuries. Her body is twisted and broken. The Beta asks, "Who could have done this to someone so defenseless?" Alpha drops to his knees, repeating, "MATE...MATE...MATE!"
Rejected Mate's Secret Baby
Rejected Mate's Secret Baby
"I, Alpha Malik Denver hereby reject you, Eliana Jacobs as my mate and Luna." His voice was like a sword through my chest, slicing my heart into a million tiny pieces. He looked at me with a commanding glare and I knew I didn't have much of an option. "I, Eliana Jacobs, accept your rejection." I whispered as my hands fell to my stomach because unbeknownst to the Alpha, I was carrying his child. - Eliana Jacobs had been through hell her entire life. Ever since her mother died, she'd been abused by her whole pack. No one but her understood the kind of pain she went through until then one night, she decided to flee from her pack. However, destiny led her into the hands of Malik Denver, the most ruthless of all Alphas in Oakland and the leader of her own rival pack. In a twist of fate, he took her in and saved her from becoming rogue. But all in exchange for one thing—a child. Two years had passed and not only had Eliana fallen in love with Denver, she also finds out she’s finally pregnant. But before she could even break the news to him, he shockingly rejects her. “This is over!” He said. Distraught and devastated, Eliana once again decides to run away but this time to somewhere far away. It wasn’t until six years had passed that something unexpected brings her back to Oakland. But now, she isn’t alone, she’s with a six year old boy. How would Denver take the news of her return? Would he finally regret his decision to let her go? And alas, what would happen when he finds out about his secret baby?
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