tale of two lunas
The story revolves around the teenager, called Ayla, as she goes on her quest for answers. She was said to have been found around the edge of a town, where she was taken in, by the town’s eccentric woman, and cared for. So growing up, she was ostracized a lot as the kids wanted nothing to do with the town’s mad woman child.
She didn’t really have a lot of friends, in middle school, and it only began worse in high school, as the taunts became bigger and bigger, until the arrivals of some new and mysterious teenagers in school. When she miraculously saves the school’s newest popular boy, with the mayor’s five-year-old daughter from a car accident by stopping the moving car, weighing 40,000 pounds with her bare hands, she attracts unwarranted attention from the different hidden supernatural in that town and beyond, everyone on the edge to find out what she is.
From that day onwards, she is quickly followed by these set of teenagers: Mia, Gaia, Luca, Tom, and Michael, who tries hard to be her friend, and possibly finds out more about her, and help her to realize what she really is. But when, her abilities start coming out one, by one, it puts her in more trouble with the school, and the mayor, and much worse, the very people who wants her dead, or thought she died.
Will Ayla find out the truth of what she is?