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Fantasy Novels for Fans of Game of Thrones: Books to Read After the Series Ends

Fantasy Novels for Fans of Game of Thrones: Books to Read After the Series Ends

2023-02-16 14:55:44
  • His Mate, His Nine-Tailed


    A fox among wolves? Yes! But not a normal one, it’s a golden nine-tailed one! …….. Liviana was the daughter of an alpha from a small pack. When she was six years old, because of a rogue attack, her parents died but she survived hiding inside of a little cupboard as her mother asked her to. With her parents’ death, she was taken away by the greatest and the strongest alpha alive. Alpha Daniel to his huge pack. Everyone was nice to her. But, someone was not happy with her and it was the eight years old son of alpha Daniel’s and Luna Maria’s, Ahren! Because of him, Liviana’s life became a hell. She was forced to become his maid, she became a joke to everyone in her school. She became lonely without anyone. But she had one hope of her life and it was her mate…. Hopes shattered, painful thoughts appeared, life became even worse… Her mate was none other than Ahren!
    Fantasy ★ 4.6