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The Moonlight Throne

The Moonlight Throne

Author:Calli J.


The Kingdom of Luminescence is home to the wolf shifters. King Saber has just passed and Connor is the next heir to the throne. He is the kingdom's only available heir even with his 2 younger twin sisters. Problem is he doesn't want the throne, will he accept his fate as king or will he find another way.
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King Saber was walking swiftly down the hall towards his bed chambers. As he entered the bedroom, there Queen Rachel was looking beautiful while feeding their second born child Renier. He was still so young only a month after birth.

"He is just as beautiful as you, where is Branigan?" King Saber said with awe and concern in his voice. Queen Rachel smiled at her husband, knowing he meant what he said. As Rachel looked down she realized that baby Renier was asleep.

"You're too kind, but you might want to lower your voice, Ren just fell asleep and Branigan is asleep in his crib," whispered Rachel. Saber let a relieved sigh escape, he could tell she was tired and with them asleep, she could finally get a break, he didn't want to ruin it. Rachel had dark circles under her eyes, it pained him to see her like this.

"Why don't you let a nanny take care of him and get some sleep, you're exhausted," whispered Saber, he heard her sigh in resignation.

"Alright Just for a little while," whispered Rachel "will you put him in his bed, and when he wakes call the nanny," as she handed Saber the baby. He looked at the sleeping bundle, and at that moment he knew Renier was destined for great things.

-7 years later-

Renier was playing with his brother and stopped when his dad called them.

"Ren, Branigan! Come see your little sisters," said King Saber. They raced down the hall following their father's voice. There his mom was holding two beautiful young girls, one had dark brown hair with hazel green eyes, the other one had blonde hair and hazel green eyes both pale skin and sweet smile.

"Their names are Luna and Star" said Rachel.

-A Few Months later-

Mom and dad were fighting a lot now, Branigan and I were worried. There they go again yelling and yelling late at night, I will never get to sleep, I thought before I finally fell asleep. The next morning I woke to a surprise when my brother was gone. I raced down stairs to find dad staring out the window alone.

"Where's mommy and Branigan, daddy?" I asked.

"They're gone Ren, I'm sorry," said King Saber. After that Father became more focused on the country and less on his children, as that happened he became a cold hearted man. Over time we got used to life without my mom and my brother, and I forgot all about that day