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Twin Alphas, Just Reject Me

Twin Alphas, Just Reject Me

Author:Gory Anna


"Reject me," I blurted out, my voice breaking. Hayden and Hunter both froze, looking at me with shock. "What?" Hayden asked, his eyes wide. "Reject me, now," I said, my voice growing stronger. *** Even since Allie and her twin sister Carly were born and the doctor had told their parents Carly was born weak because of Allie absorbing all the needed nutrients, Allie had become neglected. She was always told of how her sister had to be pampered and cared for, she had always needed to give up things for her sister's sake and that's when the bullying started in school. Allie faced bullying from Carly's closest friends the Alpha's twin sons Hayden and Hunter who seemed to hate her. What happens when Allie finds out Hayden and Hunter are her mates on their 18th birthday?
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"Is this how you bully Carly at home?!"

My eyes widened in disbelief as I stared at him. What was he talking about? I hadn't bullied anyone! I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could get a word out, he grabbed my arms, his grip tight. I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could get a word out, he grabbed my arms, his grip tight.

"Answer me! Why would you bully Carly?" Hayden roared, his voice shaking with rage.

"Let go of me!" I tried to pull away, but he held on tight.

I looked over at Carly, hoping she would say something - anything - to defend me. Even though I knew it wasn't even possible, she was the least likely person to defend me.

I don't remember when Carly fell in love with games like this - playing the victimized Cinderella. Especially in front of the much-loved twin Alpha's as a way to get their attention.

And I was the one who helped her through it all, the one she constantly vilified. But I don't want to explain, it doesn't make any sense.

"This isn't the first time, God knows how she bullies soft Carly at home!" A female voice came from the crowd, and immediately the crowd of people started accusing me.

"Yeah, that's her own sister! What a mean person!"

Yes, Carly was my twin sister, but we were nothing alike. From birth she was diagnosed with a congenital heart condition that nearly killed her. The doctors decided it was because I robbed her of nutrients in the womb and that's what caused her to be born weak. It was because of this that our parents always favored her, constantly admonishing me to provide for her every need.

I can tolerate Carly indefinitely, but that doesn't mean I'm weak enough to be bullied.

"Are you guys done?!" I said coldly, glaring firmly at the men. "She's MY sister. leave us alone."

The room went silent, and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

I walked over to Carly, ignoring the looks, I was used to this so they have no effects on me.

"Come on, Carly, let's go home," I said, my voice sounding more confident than I felt.

I knew that I don't come home with her, our parents would blame me for leaving my sick sister, just like they always did.

I looked up at Carly, and she was still standing there, frozen in fear. I reached out to take her hand, but she flinched away, hiding behind Hayden's twin brother. Hunter's back, "No... I'm scared."

God, she wasn't going to end this farce just yet.

I take a deep breath and try to soften my voice as much as I can and gently say, "Carly, it's time to go home." , my voice barely a whisper as I tried to drag her from Hunter's back.

Hunter stepped forward, placing himself between me and my sister. I could see the anger in his eyes, and I knew I was in trouble.

"You need to leave," he said, his voice cold.

Hunter and Hayden were twins. They are the next heir in our pack, which made them the most powerful and feared.

"Stay out of this," I snapped, unable to keep the anger out of my voice. "It's between me and my sister."

I reached for Carly’s hand, but Hunter slapped my hand away.

"Stay away from her," he growled.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" I demanded, folding my arms across my chest. I could feel the tension rising, and I knew that I had crossed the line, but i couldn’t help it.

"You'll see who I am if you touch her again," he said, his eyes flashing with warning.

I reached for my sister's hand again, but before I could touch her, Hunter shoved me away. I stumbled backwards, tripping over a chair and crashing into a table.

I yelped as pain shot through my leg, and I could feel blood trickling down my leg. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out, and I could hear the students around me laughing. No one moved to help me. I felt humiliated and angry, and I glared at Hunter, my hands clenched into fists.

"I warned you," Hunter said, his voice cold. "But you just had to be stubborn." I let out a low growl, struggling to my feet.

Every part of me ached, and I glared at Hunter with hatred in my eyes.

"You guys..." I was going to keep arguing with them, but that's when Carly finally spoke up.

"Don't! I'm fine..." She said and even took a few concerned steps forward looking like she was stopping the argument.

Her words really did work, for just a moment the others attention was immediately diverted and she turned to the twins, "Hayden, Hunter. what did you guys come to see me about?"

"Thanks for reminding me," Hayden chuckled.

I watched as Hayden dropped his drink and walked to the stage holding the mic, he clears his throat.

“I am inviting everyone to our bar mitzvah,”he said, a proud smile on his face.

The crowd erupted into cheers, but offstage Hunter raised a hand for silence. The room fell still once more, all eyes fixed on him.

"There is one person who is not invited to the party," he said, his gaze landing on me. "Allie," he said, his voice dripping with contempt.

With that they turned and left the classroom.

Did he have to say such things on such an occasion? I wasn't looking forward to that boring party, and was even a little happy that I could have a night of free time at home without being constantly told what to do by Carly. But I had to admit, the public humiliation made me feel like I was about to explode!

My hands balled into fists, and I dug my nails into my palms, trying to calm myself down.

Unlike me, the rest of the classroom instantly boiled over, and they all walked towards Carly in unison.

"Carly! They must have publicized your as Luna at the Bar Mitzvah!"

"Yeah! Congratulations Carly!!! oh no, future Luna!"

For a long time, everyone in the pack knew how much the twins cared about Carly, and how many times they clashed with me to protect her, so it wasn't really nonsense to say that she would be their MATE.

To be honest, I was actually looking forward to it. If Carly could be the next Luna as she wanted to be, it would be a great way for me to finally have the energy to pursue my freedom.

Carly put on a shy smile and said, "Don't say that, not yet."

After saying that she walked up to me and put her arm around my shoulders and said as if what had just happened had never happened, "We're going home now, bye."

Completely ignoring the injury on my leg, she pulled me along and flew away.

As we walked through the door, my mother and father were sitting in the living room.

"Dad! Mom! I have great news!" Carly hugged our parents excitedly and gushed about the twins' bar mitzvah, her words constantly implying that she was their Luna.

The three of them were talking so intimately that I couldn't even interject, and of course, no one noticed that I was hurt...

I felt a lump in my throat as I watched them laughing and talking, their eyes shining with pride for my sister.

"It's okay, Allie. get used to it." I reassured myself and turned around ready to go back to my room.

But just as I turned around, Carly's voice came, "Allie, why don't you come with me."


I turn and freeze my mouth wide open as I stared at her incredulously.