
Let’s Read The World

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Kiss Of War

Kiss Of War



Being the strongest daughter and the head warrior of their pack, Luna Beatrix has one mission; to bring down their rival pack on the night of the coronation of their new leader. Together with her pack, they gate-crashed in the party with a concrete plan. However, amid her declaration of war, she ended up dancing with her rivals with guns pointed at each other's heads. One blow and a kiss, what will happen if they find peace in each other's arms?
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" And you know what? You planned to catch a whole bunch of rogues but in the end, you never did because there are many loopholes that you didn’t think about. You know what Tommy, you’re not an alpha and you’ll never be an alpha. Just accept that because my brother and our family will always have the power in this pack.”

His face contorts before he growls and walked outside of the masquerade party. Today, we are gatecrashing the crowning moment of our rival family.

They will let their oldest son which is a mystery man for everyone have the crown of being alpha but tonight we plan to ruin everything.

To let them succumb to the power of the Creed family. Our family, but that dumb beta of this pack suddenly talked about canceling our plan because of his guts.

My brother bump into my shoulder.

“ If you’re just a man, you can have Tommy’s place,” he said which makes me smirks. Silas is my only brother and the alpha of our pack.

“ If I am a man, I will be the alpha instead of you,” I teased and he hissed because he knows that it is possible for that to happen.

“ And….the plan begins,” he grins when I leaned closer to whisper on his ears.

Part of our plan is to join the crowd until the crowning moment of the alpha is revealed.

He signals our pack to get ready when the slow music of jazz infiltrated the place.

Everyone started to find and dance at the center. “ Dance?” my brother said before he pulls me to the dancefloor not waiting for my answers.

He snakes his hand into my waist before we dance to the tune of the music but we didn’t let our guard down. It is our task to survey the place, to identify the new Alpha, and to lure him outside to have him beheaded or captured, for the downfall of their clan.

The music is too soothing but notice how my brother’s movement suddenly shifted. Silas keeps on glancing in a certain direction, only for me to saw a girl who’s obviously flirting with her.

She’s wearing a silky red dress with her ash-blond her, freely flowing to her bareback. Indeed, beautiful but somehow, I felt uneasy.

Silas chuckles. “ We’ll change partners,” he said before he sways me around, only for me to land on a stranger's arm. I was stiffed for a second but the moment that his hands touch my waist, there is an electrifying feeling.

He smirks behind his black mask. “ Hey, beautiful.” With his red bow lips and perfect set of white teeth, I would definitely compliment his looks but his aura is too dangerous. A set of danger in authority.

They say you can always know who’s dangerous, and right now, I know that this man is more than that.

“ What’s your name?” Even his voice sounded like danger. It was deep and dark but heck, it was hot. The way how he sways our body to the sound of the song, it was hot.

He leans closer and I froze when he sniff my long red hair. “ You know, this hair caught my attention.”

“ T-Thanks..” A cough slips out of my mouth to clear my words. It sounded so innocent and fragile. He laughs before he spins me around, making me stopped my breathing because of his sudden attempt but he knows what he’s doing when I successfully landed back in his chest.

My lips quiver because I anticipate that I will fall down. “ You don’t trust me, eh?” he chuckles before he lifts me up and holds my chin to look into his eyes. It was captivating but nevertheless, it’s fierce.

The crowd cheers and we both looked at the man who strides onto the stage, holding the microphone.

“ The time has come. Everyone, welcome your New Alpha. The pride of Lennox family, Alpha Creed.”

It’s like the world stop moving. All of the wolves inside the hall gave their attention to welcome their new alpha but my world stop for another reason. The man that I am dancing with slides his hand at my neck, softly touching it before he leans forward to whisper on my ear.

“ Darling, Dominic Lennox is my name,” he said before he gently let go of my body and rip the mask out of his face while he’s walking at the center of everyone. There it was, the dangerous and dominant aura. He’s like a king and everyone is worshipping him. Even the sound of music stops to acknowledge his presence and when he sets foot to the platform, my heart explodes.

It was indeed him, the New Alpha of the Lennox clan. His eyes didn’t leave mine. I was lost in admiration and the world that he made me took a glimpse of earlier. I didn’t have any idea, not until my brother pulls the trigger and it landed on the glass fountain just near him.

“ Declaration of war!”

Someone shouted from their clan. Before, it was the symbol of the declaration of war. On the night of the coronation of the new alpha, the glass fountain must be shot.

“ Beatrice, bring him down!” Silas, my brother shouted, giving me a gun before things get into chaos. Our pack started to attack their wolves, bringing everyone down. Blood is scattered on the floor, groans fill and echo around the place. However, Dominic and I remained looking at each other. It’s like we are both frozen in our position and no one wants to cut the connection.

Suddenly, he growls and in just one blink of an eye, he was in front of me. No wonder he’s their Alpha, fast and calm. I didn’t let my emotions get in my head and as the lead warrior of our pack, I was expected to get him tonight.

“ Brave, eh?” he commented when I pointed the gun right into his head. He smirks while assessing my next move but I didn’t remember where did he get his gun that is now pointing right into my heart.

I took a step backward because of the sudden intrusion. They told me that he was probably unarmed and an idiot! “ Don’t be scared darling, it will just be one bullet.” My body shivers because of the way how he said those words. He’s sure about killing me!

“ One wrong move and this bullet will be buried in your head.” Strong. Brave. Luna Warrior. I can’t believe that for the past years of being the lead warrior, my hand will be actually shaking for pointing a gun at someone’s head.

Groan and the sound of the breaking bones still echoes around the place and I can see now that we are winning the battle. Most of their men escaped or are now lying on the floor.

“ We won,” I managed to say before smiling out of victory. Only five of his men is still kicking but this bastard didn’t even show any emotion aside from amusement. Then, a loud sound echoes around the place. Someone just wrecked the whole glass window to invade the area. A helicopter is waiting outside with three men, fighting the wolves in our pack. They are fast and strong, our warrior is nothing compared to their strength. In just a minute, they managed to defeat half of our warriors.

I have never seen such speed and strength in my whole life but my attention got disturbed when the man in front of me chuckles.

“ See you around, darling.”

Shocked. Bewildered. Scared.

My body can’t move because of what he’s doing. While everyone around us is fighting and in the chaotic world of war, forcefully put down my arms which is holding the gun, and grabbed my neck for one swift kiss. I was frozen in my place and my mind went blank because of what he’s doing. I can feel him smiling right beneath my lips and before I can say my protest, he stops the kiss and signals the others before they loaded their selves on the helicopter.