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The Mystified Werewolf

The Mystified Werewolf

Author:Benesty wright


Adriana realizes the Alpha king she was sold to was her mate when he bedded her on a full moon. However, any single shred of hope she had, was shattered when she was abandoned after that one night of passion. The Alpha king's other mistresses mocked her for thinking she could be favored more, and this left Adriana so heartbroken that she plotted to escape the Marshall mansion forever with the baby growing in her stomach. Will she succeed in her escape or will the Alpha king go in search of his mate??
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Adriana Pov

"Isn't that the new slave bought by the Alpha's main steward, Maxon?"

My heart pace steadied as I was brought to a halt in front of a mansion I'd only heard of in stories.

"Her face is all smeared up in dirt and clay so I can't tell if she's pretty or not,"

The voices from within the mansion became all too clear. It was obvious I was being perceived by the nearby werewolves even though I couldn't see them.

"At least she has a nice-looking body."

I felt a kick to my hip nudging me forward but I quickly gathered myself.

"Focus," The Steward hissed. His name I now knew to be Maxon.

I was taken by the hand and led into the mansion. I merely turned around to the rocky carriage that had brought us here as the shadow of the gigantic huge door covered my face before closing.

"Don't touch anything here,"

My eyes slightly squinted to the brightness of the illuminated room as I adjusted to the lavishly lit-up room and the treasures it beheld. Items I could only look at but never touch.

My train of thoughts were interrupted by Maxon dragging me into the darker parts of the mansion and as various doors leading to the outside closed, I died a little inside, knowing the key to my freedom was being shut and formally sealed as I soon found myself in a dimly lit but wet looking grounds where women in nun outfits supervised young girls that were bathing bare in the open.

I held back a cringe.

How could all the girls be comfortable bathing with each other? And how could Maxon and I be allowed to enter like the girls' privacy didn't matter.

Maxon whispered a word to one of the nuns and I was too focused on the sight in front of me to hear it.

Before I knew it, Maxon started leaving. I was about to follow him but I was stopped in my tracks by the excited-looking women who stripped me of my clothes in the presence of the other bathing girls.

The next thing I knew, I was being washed in a tub filled with rose water and being scrubbed aggressively like I breeded dirt in my skin.

When all was done, I felt naked and defiled.

I, along with the other girls, were led to a curt room where we were handed clothing in order.

In the dressing room, I accidentally bumped into a blonde haired while trying to find a spot to change.

"Oops, a virgin, aren't you?"

My cheeks turned red and I looked around to make sure others weren't listening to our conversation. But they keenly were, even though it didn't seem like it. I could tell from their focused breathing. Wolves could be sly too.

"Don't be silly!" I replied with a snicker.

"Just saying, cause you have ample breasts and your butt is pretty soft-looking and your hips…" Her eyes went from my bare body to my face, "I'm just saying… If you're going to attract the Alpha, it wouldn't do it if you're a virgin who doesn't know all the tricks in the bedroom."

I quickly slipped on my clothes, ignoring the words the blonde had just told me.

"Gather the girls!" I heard an officer who'd just entered the room say bristly.

By this time, most of the girls had slipped on their robes.

"Why?" One of the head maidens asked.

"The Alpha has just arrived from his hunt. He'll need a woman to relax with. Where's Rebekah?"

"Here!" The blonde that I'd spoken to earlier joyously responded and ran up to the front.

I noticed the ladies around give her a side eye and whisper among themselves. It seemed she was the Alpha's current favourite bed partner.

"The rest of you, here."

I sluggishly went to the front and was arranged at the back side of the room.

After we were arranged and taught to keep our eyes low as we anticipated the Alpha's arrival, I felt slightly relieved because there were prettier girls than me in the room and also more sexually provocative.

So even though I was sold as a sex slave to the Alpha, I could survive a few days untouched until I figured a way for my escape.

The security in the front door increased and I heard one of them walk in and say, "The Alpha is here! Rebekah, prepare yourself."

The girls snorted at Rebekah and said mean things while the others moved their dress down so it showed their enticing cleavage.

That was when I felt it… as soon as he stepped into the room.


His enticing smell filled my nose and I felt as though my heart would explode from the amount of joy I was feeling in my heart.

That was when I dared to do something I never would do on a normal basis, I looked up at the Alpha. And I saw it, what made him so exquisite and it made me proud.

Hazy blue eyes that made him look sexy, a pair of beautiful arms that fit just right with his well-fitted warrior's suit. And suddenly, desires I never had before ignited within me and I felt maybe… just maybe.

"What are you doing looking at the Alpha before he chooses you?!" I hear one of the officers yell in my direction causing me to turn my head back down in embarrassment.

What is wrong with me? I muttered to myself.

My heart started to beat really fast as the Alpha walked to the middle of the room and looked at Rebekah, then at every single one of the girls in the room until he was standing in front of me.

Then he lifted up my head so I was looking him in the eyes and I almost squirmed away from the obsessive eye contact. He was gorgeous and I was plain. A simple Amber-eyed with black hair. What sort of sorcessory would make him choose me even though we were mates?

"Her. I chose her for tonight."