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Eternal Heights

Eternal Heights



* Jake Matthews was in a near fatal car accident. He somehow woke up to find out he was actually in the afterlife by an accident or a error. The thing is that has never happened before and his body is still in a coma state back on earth. * When he is met by one of his creators who is also in a state of shock about why he is in the afterlife to soon. His First question to his creator is "Are you my creator and God." He replied " No and we have no Idea who our creator is either." Typical. You come face to face with your assumed creator just to find out he's just a middleman to the creator and your back to square one of man's biggest controversial question. He sets out on a journey with one of his Gods on the Universal Highway to find out He is a lot more important than he origianlly thought to be. * Travelling through Galaxies and meeting Gods first creation, Jake must go through trials and show the entire Galaxy why he is worthy of being God's second begotten son. An amazing journey that sheds light on what is to happen after your life on Earth ends and your journey in Eternal Height's begins. It will shock and question everything you believed to be true of your existence as a human and what is surely out there in the Universe. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Written by: Jourdan Binger
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  It was a normal Wednesday afternoon except for a light rain that's been coming down for as long as Jake could care to remember, but when something becomes repetitive, people become careless. Jake was on his way to his new girlfriends house. Jake had met her at a party and they instantly hit it off.

  Only problem was that she lived In suburbia and he had bars in his windows at home sharing a room with his brother. He had worked two jobs for an entire year to buy his beat up 2001 Honda civic that he gave his last dollar to get, but he didn't care. It was his and that's all that mattered. He was the man of the house since he was 12 and his father found out his receptionist had a few additional qualities that she hadn't mentioned on her job resume that made Jakes dad become his parent that he seldom ever saw.

  He had a lot on his mind that day which is why he asked his girlfriend if it was cool if he came over to hang out. Valarie didn't object. "Sure, my parents won't be back until late." and she hated being by herself at that house. She said "I am convinced this house is haunted." He laughed just loud enough for her to hear. "Shut up, I'm serious." And that made him shake his head cause he knew she was 100% serious because she was whispering when she said it. "I got a friend that works part time with the ghostbusters, I could ask him to come with me if you want." She hung up.


  He made it about 100 feet when his phone chimed. It read " U kno I'm not talking 2 u for 19 minutes because I'm mad." jake responded " mmhm". Another chime, this time it was a audio message saying " I would text something really mean but I know your driving and don't want to see you in a coma because of me. When she said that he felt a chill run up his spine, He knew she was playing but she said it like she knew it was happening.

  He turned up the radio which was playing " Highway to hell." Instinct turned it to a different station which was playing " I believe I can fly." What the fuck?" was all he could come up with for all of the signs he was slowly piecing together. He turned the radio off and listened to the windshield wipers angrily wiping away todays light rain.

  The raindrops could be seen from the clouds slowly making their way down to their short lived, free fall of a life who's only purpose was to die so that others may survive. When you think about it raindrops are semi-professional heroes.


  Why do you think that most fatale car accidents happen 1 mile or less going to or coming from their house? Is that Gods way of telling us something? Maybe its due to the fact that while your at home you become relaxed, so on your way home you start becoming to comfortable and relaxed about a mile or so before you get there that it takes a mile or so to get the laziness out of your system.

  It was some food for thought, but Jake wasn't thinking about the turn that he and val talked about being a disaster waiting to happen. The turn came up a lot faster than he last remembered from his last trip to his girlfriends house.

  His adreninline was pumping so fast through his veins everything that was happening felt like he was watching it on slo-motion through a flat screen HD T.v. When your life flashes before your eyes things that you probably never would have thought about thinking of if you weren't in a "slow motion/ carelessness extreme condition thought mode" start making their way in his mind.

  Maybe its your brain not wanting to believe it had messed up so bad it knew that it was about to be lights out for good it will try to picture you somewhere in a past memory where you felt safe and happy.


  Jake's brain is different apparently because his last thought was a memory where he got lost on a cruise ship when he was younger and ate some bad food or was sea sick and couldn't find a bathroom in time to catch his "oh fuck fart." That's the one where you think its a fart and well you can paint the picture of what those kind of farts are but hope when we die they don't make us explain our last thought in the afterlife intake process.

  "Okay Mr. Jacob Mathews, welcome to the afterlife. How did you die and what was your last thought right before it happened?" No matter what they say the penalty for lying about the last thought questionnaire would defer jake from telling a crowd of recently dead people awaiting the trip to the next phase in this life would he say the words wrecked my car off a cliff or thought of me when I was a kid shitting on myself ever go in the same sentence out loud from his mouth.


  Holding on to his steering wheel like it would soften the land on a thousand pound car going off a cliff at 50 miles per hour free falling for 6 seconds was useless but it was all Jake had as a survival instinct. The air bag prematurely ejecting all over his face was the last thing that happened before everything went dark. Luckily for Jake death was instant for him, so it was painless.

  There is a 12 hour grace period when you die that your somewhat coherent but your sitting in complete darkness and unable to move. Its

  like your stuck in a pitch black room and your paralyzed trying to grasp on to what the fuck had just happened. When your dead its just your soul that is doing all of the thinking and your soul must not have a lot of storage space because after you die the only things you know and rememember are your first name, that you just died and your last thought ran through your memory bank. Its like your starting all over when you were just born and you had just gotten bare handed ass slapped by the creepy white haired huge spectacled doctor. Which you were relieved didn't have to happen on your first day in Eternal heights.


  I look at the big ass gold plated billboard that seemed to be as big as the horizon. It had a faded picture of a family that definitely were out of early 1990's with the dad wearing a fanny pack and sandals with socks smiling borderline pyschopath picture pose with the son and daughter both looking at the ground wearing clothes that would be on clearance at the goodwill they were so raggedy and torn and the mother with a either "La larona" death stare contemplating suicide or a drug induced coma and from the looks from all the pain pills she was most likely on, the induced coma wouldn't be far off. When Jake got to the end of the long line awaiting his turn with the "attendant"

attendant is what was imbedded in everyone's thick souls memory already

was that the "attendant" was who you went to for answers everyone was surely to have but in actuality everyone had the same first question which turned into a run on question that was 92% the same from everyone.


  "Where am I?" Was Everyones first question . The response came to his mind like a CD being inserted and pushing play. When you die you don't speak and cannot hear so having a conversation is basically Just the answers and responses from any conversation being uploaded Into your "soul" train of thought instead of the regulation way of hearing it and speaking it to gain knowledge and say the answers or make the statements like when you were alive . Now its like the part from the matrix movie when trinity needed to learn how to fly a helicoper quickly and 10 seconds later she was able to pilot a big ass helicopter.