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The Rejected Moon

The Rejected Moon

Author:Selene Souchon


Mira Savera is a daughter of a beta. She was born perfect and everyone admired her. She's kind, beautiful, smart, and the most powerful in her pack. She has everything she wanted until that fateful day happened She's accused of betraying their pack losing half of their population including her parents and their alpha and luna. Werewolves loathed her and they thought that killing her is a show of mercy so instead they abused her. Mira took it all hoping that her mate would come to save her, but will he? Hope gone, secrets unravelled. How long would Mira last in a whirlwind that keeps pushing her to the bottom of her life?
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As a daughter of a beta, Everyone knows me and treats me with utmost respect along with my two other siblings. Logan and Leila are two years older than me and they are twins. As their little sister, they are protective of me and wants what is best for me

Among the three of us, the pack favors me the most. They even like me more than they like the next alpha in line which is my best friend, Adam.

Adam Marden is the only son of the Alpha and Luna of Red Moon Pack. He has the same age as my siblings and they are also classmates. Logan and him are inseparable. Although it's expected for a Beta and an Alpha to have an inseparable bond, people can't still deny that Adam and I share a much deeper bond.

Adam has always been there for me when I needed someone. I could tell him my problems that I can't share with my family and he knows how to make me happy. He even spends most of his time with me than Logan. I also know him more than anyone. I know his dark secrets and how he wants to have a sibling to take care of too.

Everyone in the pack including our parents wish that me and Adam would end up mates. Everyone thinks that I fit the role as their Luna and they believe that I was meant to rule.

I'm smart, kind, and beautiful. I possess all the characteristics of a Luna, but I'm not sure what Adam feels for me, and what I truly feel about him.

I'm still young and I'm barely old enough to think about love and mates, but everytime I see him and everytime I hear the people talking about how perfect we are for each other, it makes me think if there's something deeper going on between us.

Adam is perfect. Every girl wants to have him as their mate. He's smart, strong, and athletic. Even at a young age, you can already see that there is a bright future ahead of him other than being an alpha. He's raised perfectly by his parents and treats everyone as his equal. If it wasn't for how powerful he is you won't even know that he's the future alpha of the number one pack in the world.

The Red Moon Pack is known for its power and wealth. No one messes with us even the rogues. Our pack consists of the best werewolves. We have the best military and a powerful leader which is as powerful as the Lycan.

The Lycans are the Leaders of Werewolves. They are in charge of maintaining peace between packs, monitoring rogue attacks, and seeing that the Alpha and Luna are following the Law and ruling their pack in the right way. Most Alphas are Lycans by blood like Adam and his family.

"Mira! Hurry up, we must not keep the Alpha and Luna waiting." My mom called downstairs while I fixed my clothes back into my closet.

"Coming!" I shouted and hurried downstairs.

We went inside the car and dad drove towards where Adam lives. Just like any normal human we also make use of technology to our advantage. Our pack is also covered with CCTV cameras that watch our every move even though we don't need it because our pack is guarded by our elite warriors and no one dares to disobey the Alpha.

The Alpha and the Luna invited us to dinner and it would be rude to say no even if we don't plan to say no either

When we arrived Alpha Damien was already outside waiting to welcome us with his son. The smell of the flowers that Luna Heidi had well taken care of, wafted into the air making us feel more welcome.

My father held the alpha's hand and bumped his shoulder with his arm.

Adam just stood there like us and watched the adults talk with each other like friends who hadn't see each other for a long time.

"Alana, you've grown big." Alpha Damien said, referring to her baby bump which had grown into a size of a ball over a few weeks.

Werewolves give birth earlier than humans. It also depends on how powerful the baby and its parents are.

"Where's Heidi?" Mom asked instead and ignored the Alpha's remark.

"She's waiting inside," he answered and led us inside their house.

Their house is big but simple. It's surrounded by a garden of different flowers.

When you go inside, you'll see a great painting of Luna Heidi carrying Adam who was just a baby with Alpha Damien beside her, on top of the fireplace.

We've been inside their house many times already. This wasn't the first time we were invited for dinner and sometimes we even do slumber parties in their house, just the four of us.

"Damien close the door." Luna Heidi commanded while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I'm sorry." Alpha Damien apologized and immediately did what she said.

I sniffed the air and the only scent that I could smell is the flowers which is weird because she loves the smell of flowers.

"What's the special news?" Dad asked as we sat by the table. We usually hold formal dinners when we have a special announcement to make.

"Why don't you guess it." Luna Heidi told him.

"Did we form an alliance to a neighboring pack?" Dad asked.

"No." Luna Heidi shook her head.

Dad was silent for a moment, thinking about what the special announcement might be, "Did the Lycans award us for something again?"

"Sebastian!" Mom shouted frustratingly, "She's obviously pregnant like me!"

Heidi can't stop the smile that appeared on her face when mom successfully guessed what the important announcement was.

"You're having a baby!" Dad exclaimed.

"Congratulations!" Mom stood up from her seat and hugged Luna Heidi.

"I can't believe it when she told me that she was pregnant. I guess we had to change the family painting we have by the fireplace," Alpha Damien said.

"There's no way I would go through that excruciating pain again Damien." Luna is very irritable today since she's pregnant.

Pregnant she wolves are not to be messed with except if you want to end your life.

My parents laughed at what she said and I nearly laughed too. Luna Heidi would always tell us the story of how they had that painting wherein she had to smile and sit up straight for hours while carrying Adam.

"If you want a picture of us by the fireplace then you hire a photographer not a painter or I'll snap his neck," she threatened with her canines out.

"Calm down!" Alpha Damien said and caressed her back until her canines retreated.

Our parents laughed and talked while eating. You can never tell that they were the same person who rarely smiled outside and barked orders to people. While us kids were silent the whole time until we all felt full and we can't take to eat some more.

"Mom, Dad, can you please excuse me and Mira," Adam asked his parents politely, and I looked at him confused.

Adam held me by the hand and dragged me to their small gazebo in the middle of the garden away from our family.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

I could tell that he was nervous. He wasn't looking straight at me and he's moving his feet too frequently.

"Whatever I would tell you, promised me that nothing would change between us."

I looked at him weirdly. He had told me everything weird about him before but it didn't change anything between us, "You know that you can tell me everything, right?"

"Yes, but this is different," he said softly between his breaths.

I didn't respond and waited for him to tell me what he wanted to say.

"I love you," he paused, "More than friends. It has nothing to do with what other people tells us. I've loved you the day I laid my eyes on you."

I stared at him with my eyes wide open. I was speechless. I just stood there like a statue not knowing what to say or do.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way. I just want you to know what I feel."

"What if we weren't mates?" I asked.

"I love you so much that I'm willing to risk it, Mira. If by chance we didn't end up as mates and you decided to leave for your other half," he gulped as if he can't accept what he just said, "I will let you go, because all I want is for you to be happy."

"I-I don't know." I lied.

The thing is I knew what I felt and I've been denying it for so long. I know that Adam is more than just a friend for me, and that I feel the same thing he feels for me.

I should have said that I love him. I love him too much that when I found out he wasn't my mate, I wouldn't care because he's all that matters to me. I should have hugged him like my life depends on him while I can still hold him.

If I only knew that things would change that fast.

"Mira!" Leila called me.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back but Adam grabbed my arm.

"Wait!" He said, so I waited.

He brought out a pure silver necklace from his pockets and handed it to me. It has an infinity pendant with words, "No Matter What," engraved across it.

Werewolves aren't affected by silvers. It was a myth. Only vampires are affected by silver. Our only weakness is wolfsbane.

"It doesn't matter if we weren't mates. It doesn't matter if the world tells us no. No matter what, I will choose to love you," he whispered and my heart melted with his words.

That night, both of us lied. I lied about my feelings and he lied about his promises.