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Dear Mate, You're Mine

Dear Mate, You're Mine



Irene, once the Luna of her wolf pack, discovers she is pregnant just as she faces betrayal by her husband, Matthew, and her half-sister, Thea. Shocked by the sudden divorce and expulsion from the pack, Irene's world collapses. However, she does not choose to succumb but instead decides to find a way out for herself and her unborn child. With the support of her friends, Carter and Emma, Irene begins to plan her revenge. Using the business secrets Matthew left on her computer, she allies with Leon, the Alpha of a rival pack. Their alliance is not just a battle against the betrayers but also a journey of Irene's self-redemption and rebirth. As the revenge plan unfolds, Leon discovers that Irene is his Mate. Despite Leon's relentless pursuit, Irene gradually falls for him. With Leon's help, Irene not only finds a new direction in her career but also finds solace in her emotions.
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Sitting in the sterile, white room of the pack hospital, my heart pounded with anticipation. The doctor, a kind-faced man with a gentle demeanor, entered the room holding a folder. He smiled warmly, a smile that immediately put me at ease and dissipated my fears a little.

"Irene, I have some wonderful news for you," he began, his voice calm and reassuring, Mali g me eager to hear what he has to say. "You're pregnant."

For a moment, the world stopped spinning. Pregnant. The word echoed in my mind, each syllable sinking in slowly.

"Are my ears playing a trick on me? Did I hear you right?" I uttered, rubbing my face with my hand to know I wasn't imagining things.

"You heard right, Irene. You're indeed pregnant." The doctor confirmed.

Pregnant. I placed a hand over my abdomen, as if I could already feel the life growing inside me. A flood of emotions surged through me—joy, relief, disbelief, excitement.

"Pregnant?" I whispered, almost afraid to believe it. "Are you sure?"

The doctor nodded, his smile widening.

"Yes, Irene. The tests are conclusive. You're going to be a mother. Congratulations."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I processed the news.

"Thank you, doctor," I said, fighting back tears. "You have no idea how much this means to me and Matthew. We've been trying for three years. This...this is a miracle."

He reached out and patted my hand gently.

"I understand, Irene. I know it's been a long journey for you both. But now, it's important that you take care of yourself. Rest well, eat healthily, and avoid any unnecessary stress. Your health and the baby's health are the top priorities now."

I nodded, barely able to contain my excitement.

"I will, doctor. I'll do everything you say. Thank you so much."

Who was I not to follow the doctor's instruction? My husband and I have been hoping a bit desperately for a child. And now that one finally showed up, I would never do anything to jeopardize that.

As I left the hospital, my mind was already racing ahead to the moment I would share the news with Matthew. I imagined his face lighting up with delight, his eyes shining with the same joy I felt.

Our marriage had been strained lately as the pressure of trying for a child weighed heavily on both of us. But this news—this precious, wonderful news—would change everything. It would rekindle the love and connection that had brought us together in the first place. So, I thought.

As I returned home, my heart was full of anticipation and joy. I couldn't wait to share the wonderful news with Matthew. I imagined his face lighting up, his eyes brimming with excitement. But as I opened the door, all my beautiful fantasies shattered in an instant.

There, on the living room couch, were Matthew, my husband and mate with my half-sister, Thea. They were wrapped around each other in an intimate embrace with Matthew's member still in her as she moaned to his thrusts.

Right there, their betrayal unfolded before my eyes. I felt my world collapse; my trust and love evaporated in a heartbeat. Tears began to slide down my face silently, and my voice choked, barely able to make a sound. I never expected this. Definitely not! How could he?

"Matthew," I finally managed to whisper, my voice trembling with a mixture of disbelief and anguish. "What is going on here?"

He looked up, startled, but then his expression hardened. He disentangled himself from Thea and stood up, his eyes cold and unfeeling.

"Irene, it's not what it looks like," he started, but his words lacked sincerity.

Thea, too, had the audacity to stand there without doing anything or flinching. She had this look of defiance on her face instead. "Irene, we didn't mean for you to find out like this."

"Find out what?" I demanded, my voice rising with anger and pain. "That you've been cheating on me with my own sister? How long has this been going on?"

Matthew's cold gaze cut through me. "It doesn't matter how long, Irene. Thea is already pregnant. You and I know how much I want a child."

I felt as if the ground beneath me had opened up. Pregnant? The word echoed in my mind, cruelly mocking the news I had been so eager to share.

"Is this some kind of joke to you, Matthew? Does wanting a child justify your act of cheating with my sister?"

"It's not a joke, Irene. You're barren, and you know it. Thea can give me the cub I need, and're just—" he trailed off, rubbing his hair while he heaved a sigh. "See, you're unfit to be my Luna anymore."

His words cut through my heart like a knife, each one more painful than the last. I felt as if my heart was bleeding, the life we had built together crumbling into dust. At the same time, a surge of anger rose within me. I thought about how I had given up my career for Matthew, sacrificing my dreams to support his. And now, he was dismissing me as if I were nothing.

My hand involuntarily rose, aiming to slap him hard, but just as my palm was about to connect with his cheek, Matthew moved faster. He grabbed my wrist with an iron grip, his eyes flashing with a dangerous intensity.

"Don't," he warned, his voice low and menacing. "Don't make this any harder than it has to be."

I pulled my wrist free, my eyes burning with tears and fury.

"Harder? You've already destroyed me, Matthew. And for that, you need more than just a slap."

I raised my hand in a bid to vent my anger by slapping him but he held my wrist tightly, his grip like a vise.

"Don't you dare," he warned, his voice low and menacing. "Don't offend my Alpha dignity."

His words stung, but what followed was even worse. With a cold, merciless tone, he said, "You're no longer fit to be my Luna and as of this moment, I reject you, Irene. Leave the pack. Now."

That's it! He finally said the word. He finally rejected me. The force of his rejection, combined with the breaking of our bond, hit me like a physical blow. I fell painfully to the ground, the agony of betrayal and humiliation washing over me in waves. My knees struck the hard floor, sending sharp jolts of pain through my body, but I gritted my teeth, refusing to cry out. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing my pain.

I lay there, struggling to regain my composure and I realized I couldn't let Matthew know I was pregnant. He's not worth being a father to my child. Since he could justify cheating, let him go ahead with it. I couldn't bear the thought of him having any part in my baby's life. I needed to sever all ties with him completely.

Slowly, I pushed myself up, ignoring the throbbing pain in my bruised knees. I met Matthew's cold gaze one last time, my heart breaking all over again.

"I will leave," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me.

"But know this, Matthew—you've lost something precious today." I thought to myself.

Enduring the pain, I made a step towards severing our connection completely. "Break our bond, Matthew. Now."

Without hesitation, he agreed, the words leaving his mouth with cold finality.

"It's done," he said, his tone devoid of any emotion. "I'll prepare the divorce agreement. Don't worry, Irene, the division of assets will be more than fair. I acknowledge your contributions to managing the pack with me over the past three years."

His sarcasm cut deep, but I refused to show any weakness. "Just leave, Irene. Get out of my sight."

During our exchange, Thea remained silent, her eyes downcast as she feigned innocence. Her presence was like a dagger in my heart, but I kept my composure until they left.

As night fell, I found myself alone in the darkness, the day's events crashing over me like a tidal wave. The hope I had felt earlier, the joy of discovering my pregnancy, had been brutally extinguished. I cried and allowed my tears flow freely as I thought about the sacrifices I had made. I had given up my artistic career to fully commit to being the pack’s Luna. I had poured my heart and soul into this role, and the pack had accepted me. But Matthew, the man I had loved and trusted, had driven me out without a second thought.

My tears eventually dried, replaced by a cold resolve. Matthew and Thea had taken everything from me, but I wouldn't be broken. I won't sit back and watch. I would rise from this, stronger than before. I decided then and there that I would seek revenge. I would reclaim my life and make them regret ever underestimating me.

Feeling the small life growing inside me, I found my only solace. The gentle reminder of my pregnancy gave me the strength to rise again. As I rested my hand on my belly, I could almost feel the tiny heartbeat.

This child would be my light in the darkest of times. I wiped away the last of my tears and stood up.

"I'll be back for you, betrayers," I swore out loud, staring in the direction I walked away from.