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The Hybrid Alpha's Blue Mate

The Hybrid Alpha's Blue Mate

Author:Jacob Priscillia


After being rejected by her third mate, Rica decided not to accept his rejection, he vows to make sure she accepts the rejection. Allan Xavier Eugene the Alpha king is an hybrid cursed to never love anyone.untill he met Rica who he rejected but she did not accept his rejection, he decided to do it the hard way knowing how hurt Rica would end up if he doesn't honour their bond he would call whores into his office to have sex with them and leave Rica in pain until he stops. Having endured his toture for two months, Rica decided to confront him but they ended up having an heated night together and Rica discovers that his seed is growing within her then she decides to give her child an happy home even if it means enduring all the toture that her Mate gives her.
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Rica POV.

I stared at the beautiful stars in the sky and the beautiful moon that represents the Moon goddess .afraid to sleep because of the nightmares that I keep having, I decided to stay outside of my room for a bit .

I have been like this since I lost my first Mate, he died in front of me and it was painful, then the second too who also died in front of me, I have always thought that maybe I am not destined to have a Mate, losing a mate is a lot but I lost two and most of all they died in front of me, this has taken a toll on me and I have been having nightmares.

The wind blew a strand of my beautiful blue hair to my face.

my Blue hair, the one I have always loved,I do love my hair but how I wish my Wolf's fur isn't blue,I mean then I will just be an abnormal Omega who is in need of a Mate.

I looked up at the Moon and shouted "why do you hate me so much?"

I knew it was a rhetorical question but I still couldn't help but ask,I have been asking her every night since the death of my second mate .

"Rica what the hell are you doing out there at this hour of the night?" I know that voice more than anyone, it's none other than Mica my best friend and the only one who knows my secret except my parents, she is like a sister to me.

She also is an Omega and she can also shift but her wolf is brown just like her hair and eyes.

She also lost her Mate four years ago,he was a rogue who he killed my Mate her brother and rejected her so I killed him.

"Are you thinking about having Mate again?" she asked with no expression on her beautiful face as she came to sit beside me on the fence.

Mica is a very beautiful lady she is the daughter of my foster mom's best friend, she has short brown hair that stops right on her shoulder and Beautiful brown eyes that makes one Happy.

"No, I am just thinking of mom and dad" I replied.


My wolf told me.

"Don't worry, maybe one day we will see them again" Mica comforted, but she had all worries and sadness in her eyes.

We had been sold to a new pack four years ago when some rogues invaded our pack and our Alpha my foster Dad sold 300 Omegas in order to save his skin.

Here in blue moon pack, life as an Omega is difficult and most of the 300 hundred sold Omegas are dead, I wonder if the Moon goddess knows about this Injustice.

"Rica, let just go inside before we get into more trouble!" Mica whispered with worry and fear written all over her face.

"I know we are slaves here but why must the Alpha put a curfew on us ?" I shouted fraustratingly, Mica quickly covered my mouth with her hand,I have never been this stupid my entire life, even in my old pack where I had all freedom but today, I feel like the world is falling apart .

"Why the hell are you shouting?!,do you want us to get caught and be beaten up again?!!"Mica shout-whispered then she quickly dragged me down from the fence causing me to fall .

"Let's leave this place before we get into trouble!" The fence was not far from our room so we got there quickly but as we were about to get into our room we were caught.

"There they are! " Someone shouted

"Oh no" Mica shouted as she began to panick, I quickly stood in front of her in a protective way .

I have always protected her,I was the main reason why she was also sold, she wanted to come with me so that I will have company and I won't be lonely that's why she volunteered to come, so, for the past 4years, I have been protecting her.

"Don't you know the rules? the alpha said no Omega should be outside at this hour of the night Huhn?,Your curfew starts from 11pm " he shouted,his voice booming across the hallway.

His name is Vincent, he is an Omega but he is not a slave, he is part of the pack and Omegas who are part of the pack are more superior than the ones who were bought.

"We are sssorry" Mica stuttered as she begged but I was stubborn and I kept my mouth shut.

Before I knew it,a slap landed on my face."you bitch , you think you are still in your old pack?,Huhn " I still didn't comply even though I knew what was coming next,I was dragged down to the prison where slaves get punished or die. I was beaten the whole night and my wolf wanted to come out and tear them to pieces.

Even though it was a full moon,I still managed to control myself from losing control.because if I didn't control my wolf,I would die.


Warning, slightly mature contents.

It's been two days since I have been enduring this toture Vincent had just left the room ten minutes ago he won't let me be, Vincent that son of a bitch I knew he was toturing me like this because he made lots of advances towards me but I rejected him.

"What are we going to do?"I heard Joy my wolf ask me, she was the only reason why I was still not yet broken, the only one keeping me company in this dark room,I feel so happy to have her.

"I don't know "I replied to her gently as if I was speaking to a little pup

"Let us escape,let us leave this horrible place,I can't live in this prison anymore it's suffocating I want to leave," joy shouts in my head and I could see her tense up in my head, the thought of leaving this place and abandoning everything.

I took in a few breaths to steady my breath, every night and morning since two days ago has been painful, Vincent would come to the room to beat me and make me suffer, even though I would heal almost immediately I was wounded,he found this fraustrating and he kept coming every ten minutes to check if I had healed so that he could continue with the toture.

- I also want to leave but I can't risk exposing us,I need more time to thi_"

"There is no time,if you don't make up your mind now, I will make sure to expose us and tear that bastard to pieces" joy cuts me off by saying these words with a growl, she hates the idea of me keeping her hidden, even though she knew what was in it for us if we decide to escape now she still wanted to stop this suffering from growing any further.

"I will find a way for us to get out of here I promise" joy kept quiet knowing that I would make sure to fulfill my promise.

But just then, the door swings open,joy quickly tenses up and I could feel the fear and anger radiating from her body.

I mentally consoled her by rubbing my hand on her Sapphire blue fur, because of how powerful I am,I could control my wolf completely and I could disregard her decisions but I don't do that, I don't like doing it.

"Well, I guess it's your lucky day today my little Muse" that is what he calls me and I hate it I hate those word, I wanted to snap at him and kill him but I didn't,I couldn't,he moves closer to me and held my chin up.

"The king wants to treat all the Omegas to a meal for their hard work, you know, if it were up to me, I would not let you go but thanks to the fact you have grown quite famous and the king wants to see you so I have no choice but to let you go"

he signs and leans closer to me and then the next thing, our lips touched, -he kissed us, he just fucking kissed us"joy cried out as she tried to take control and kill him but I stopped her.

"Oh,it seems like my little Muse is starting to be obedient,I love it that way" he said with a smirk on his face

And just when I thought it would end, he tackled me to the floor and held my neck down with his hand,it hurts but just for a while then he started kissing me on my lips and all over my neck.

I felt disgusted with myself and I couldn't hold back the tears coming from my eyes I knew what he wanted to do .

"Stop him! STOP HIM❕,"joy shouted she wanted him off us at all cost,at that moment I knew that if I didn't have the ability to disregard her decisions,his head would been long gone from his body.

He trails his kisses down my chest and he grabbed my breast with his hand but what shocked me was the pain that followed instead of moaning, I shouted it was painful he had grabbed my breast way too hard and he was squeezing it hard too.

And in an instant I said the words I had never said to anyone since I have been to this pack"please," I sobbed

"Please l-l- let me go"I shouted as I sobbed and begged,"it is painful"

"Is this really how it is when people have sex? Because if it is then I am never having sex"joy asks me" I don't know" I replied as I felt the hands on my bossom being removed .

The room was quiet for a while and only my sobbs could be heard"Fine I will do this later" he replied with a hoarse voice then he leaves the room.

Why was my life going so wrong, at that moment, I hated the whole world and myself.

Moments later, some female Omegas came in and clean my wounded body.

Then they took me to a room that has a bath tub at the center then they scrubbed my body, once they were done,they took me outside the prison,as soon as I got out, the shining of the sun hit me, this made me wince a little but the pain was gone in another second.


Hi every one,this is practically my first werewolf book and I hope you enjoy reading it like I enjoyed writing it,I will be posting new chapters every Monday or Wednesday or when I am bored.

So how do you see the book so far?

Do you love Rica already?

What do you think of Mica.?

What do you think of vincent?

Do you hate him already cause I do .

I can't wait to see him die .

Don't forget to vote and comment, see you in the next chapter byeeeeeee.

Lia loveee.