
Let’s Read The World

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Luna Loviette has grown up seeing and experiencing things no kids should grown up mostly on the street as a runaway orphan at a young age. After saving a women from a feral wolf she is adopted in a loving home with human parents she is accepted into the most wanted Academy students from everywhere dream to be accepted with that opportunity she soon realises that some un answered questions about who she is or what she is may finally be answered, why is she different to other wolfs?, why does she have to hide her eyes when her wolf peers out them? Why was she abandon as a baby? Why do i feel like my tattoos mean something more than looking pretty? That’s just the tip of the iceberg of questions going into this Academy she will find some friends and enemies, her friends will find just how special she is and her enemies will find her more of a challenge one thing they will find out about her though is she has allies in the most surprising places, with her experience in the academy, finding information about herself and trying to get the answers to her questions maybe the last thing she might want with her growing feelings for a few of her friends start to surface. They seem to make it more hard for her though as she is easily not one to trust even if her wolf is finally wanting to take the leap they all seem to feel the same but then go cold or pretend not to show feelings, why do they hold back? What are they not telling me? Her first semester feels like its going to be packed full of drama, action, romance maybe even heart ache. One question through out the book that keeps being asked, Who is Luna Loviette?
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Honey!… Darling girl where have you dosed off too"?,

Luna Blinks then blinks again then blinking once more she wakes up rubbing her eyes as they come into focus I turn my head looking towards Ann sitting in the front passenger seat, looking the world of innocents, like she hadn’t been waving her hand in front of my face so close I could probably lick it, I give her a smile not really having anything to say, Goddess am I tired though but telling her that will only lead to questions I don’t want to answer without lying, and she deserves more than that from me a kid off the street who she took in, something I would always be thankful for and do anything she asked of me except tell her what I really do during most nights.

Self defence classes don’t count, what I do after those classes is what She doesn’t know, Capturing or killing evil supernaturals. I kill most of them as there the ones that don't come back, They've been insane to long and have done some really unspeakable things, I was 10 years old When I first encountered one, A random back alley skin and bone dirt smeared face, muddy knotted hair covering half her face little girl, that was me 8 years ago using newspaper and cardboard as a floor, wall and blanket hiding me from the New York weather, Thats how it was then not sure how long I've been on the street, after running from my last foster dad who only just wanted to ‘help wash me in the bath’ it doesn’t sound so bad its him being naked and jumping in with me I had a problem with after the first time I promised I wouldn’t be a good little girl for bath times again so the next time he said it was bath time I don’t even remember how but I just remembered being outside and running didn’t stop until my legs cramped, found a dark spot behind a building and hid there thinking I was safer there thinking evil lived in homes as it wasn’t the first home I was in. I realised quick it didn’t matter where you were it was everywhere I learnt to read peoples intention fast on the street also learnt I was different to most foster kids in homes I was put in, I healed quicker, could take a beating better than most older boys in foster homes, didn’t cry like most, sometimes they didn’t bother me as I took to much effort just to get me to lie still or to just take It, that made me even less of a good kid who got put in nice homes, I didn’t like to listen a troubled kid who like to attack the foster parents, case workers had a field day trying to find me a home as I was listed as a troubled little girl they never looked to far into it no one asked why I attacked anyone or how I just happened to bit him in the thigh next to his junk, how was I able to get that close my teeth couldn’t go through jeans, but that never got asked or a knife just happened to be in the room where me and two foster kids happened to be sleeping, 6 years old me and the girl shared a bed the boy 2 years older slept in the other bed the foster family we were staying at, at the time the daddy he liked us to call him like boys, my foster brother at the time was what he liked and visited him often one night I new it would be bad the boys new case worker Millie wanted to take us back as she didn’t like how the boy Joel was when she checked on him she was good at least she did what most didn’t, “She Cared” but millie told our foster dad there would be an investigation and she would be back to pick all of us up the next morning,

Our foster dad didn’t like that, that night he came in with a knife sneaking up to Joels bed it was late into the night everything was silent but because I was different I heard him coming and I knew Joel was awake he new as well as I did something was wrong he had told me before to keep quite never make a sound and always pretend to be asleep, but I couldn’t that night I liked Joel and I didn’t like how after daddy visited, Joel would shut down and I new this night was not going to go in Joels favour so as daddy got into bed with Joel wanting to cuddle with him one last time I saw the knife he had put on the bedside table with his clothes, hearing Joel whimper I couldn’t take it sneaking up to them silently holding my breath with shaky hands I grabbed that knife and stabbed him with it, nobody asked where I got it or why daddy was naked when the ambulance came or why his blood was all over Joel and his bed, I was the troubled one Millie did try to help me but it was a cop I had stabbed and she was a new case worker that was just learning the ropes, so no I didn’t trust no one.

I learnt to sneak, hiding in the dark was my favourite game to play I felt safe, not making a sound while walking and having quick hands was enough to get me food and some money when I needed soap, toothpaste or food, being small helped me fit in tighter spots. So 2 years on the street is my guess I’m pretty sure I’m 10 years old now It was a quite night being in the alley I had chosen. A couple of days ago I moved from the main city watching hookers making money right in front of my hide out wasn’t something I appreciated but it wasn’t so much what I would see which thank goodness I always closed me eyes but the sounds the women made they sounded bored, thinking about It now gives me shivers they almost sounded like they were reading it off a script yes, Yes and that’s it done or Harder!.. Faster!.. Thaaannn done That’s it!! Im Cumming!! And you guessed it than done, Those where good nights “lol” The men wow they are what got me confused the sounds they made ‘ohhhh god ohhh god ohhh god’…. god had nothing to do with it I’m pretty sure he would have smighted him for it, another guy sounded like a bull huffing and puffing with grunts thrown in every once in a while till he was done he was madder after he paid for the whores job than before he even started I eventually figured it out since I couldn’t help but understand what was going on with the whores trying to teach me or talk to me about birds and the bees the version of course I was horrified, thinking is this what I have to look forward to with my life me on this side while looking in to others with warm clothes laughing kids with parents that love them watch as a family sit down for lunch or dinner and eat till there full and I wait behind the restaurant hoping for there scraps. Seeing a life that seems far away once I’m old enough do I become a whore to earn money and a place to stay?.

No I say over and over again to my self I want something different, anything but being a whore I just have to figure out what, its a cold night a bit drizzly, I warm my hands by tucking them into my side under each arm pit, I’m wearing dark trousers that have a hole in the knee there a bit big so I have one of my only hair ties tied around it to keep them up, a hoodie that’s seen better days its missing a few letters in the logo purple with a unicorn on it I love it its the best thing I found behind an alleyway that designs logos on clothes its been through some tough times but it still keeps me warm, sneakers that fit a bit to tight now my big toes pokes out one they look like they were white once definitely not now more like black scuff marks with dirt smeared over them, I smile as I curl up against the brick wall I use as shelter against the wind I’m bunking down for the night because of the area people here took notice of you real quick I’ve made this my own for a couple of weeks now so I was waiting till it was dark enough to scope out the bakery and restaurant bins I picked the alley behind a diner it was quite only time I saw people or heard anything was the garbage being thrown out or patrons coming and going from the building on either side and behind that you had walls on either side and because the building behind the bakery where I made myself comfortable was a 10 story building that had lawyer firms I think a council’s office and some hired spaces that building blocked most of the weather except rain which thankfully with the fence and the big bins that seem to live there and not move I used cardboard and random plastic for cover and a old ripped but still usable couch as my bed, no one knows I’m there even during the day because its so dark in my section, so me lying there relaxed but always aware, so its weird that all of a sudden i feel this cold ice shiver go up my back making me sit up and take a look around I don’t see anything out of place its clear even though its dark I’ve always been able to see clearly day or night doesn’t matter, also strong and fast too, hearing the tiniest squeak I swing my head to the left closest to the opening of the alley near the entrance into the diner which should be closed or closing still concentrating trying to figure out why I’m on alert I hear it a manly grunt and a muffled scream and rustling heart racing i act, running towards the sound on soundless feet I keep to the shadows coming near the struggling duo I see a handbag on the floor the contents spilled out across the alleys dirty floor there’s a man if you can call him that holding a women who looks really little compared to him she comes up to his chest petit long curly hair, shinny almost, warm dark coloured coat that was covering her from the weather with a nice red thick material dress down to her shins black ankled boots that are barley touching the ground with the way the man is holding her up against the brick wall “hold still” the man grunts its deep crackly like he doesn’t use it often almost feral “hmmmm I like the smell of fear”, “are you scared women” he says almost gleefully I’m close now almost beside them I don’t think he notices, good I don’t want him to see me.

“Get off me!!” She struggles out behind his hand “if you don’t fight it ill go easy on you make it feel good” he says squeezing her neck a little in warning then smirks when she stops dropping her hands at her side hands fisted up shaking he smirks sniffing her hair, close up I thought she was younger but if I had to guess early 30’s late 20’s she shudders as his hands are now going to her coat and inside it, his face is at her neck covered half in her hair smelling deeply like its catnip hearing her wimper I focus on her I’m behind him now clearly I don’t make it mid back on him he’s huge this close he’s as dirty as me but my clothes are baggy on me this guy clearly got his clothes in the kids section as they are tight almost like they will tear with his movements shorts tight enough to see each butt cheek ewwww and a t- shirt so tight you can see back muscles the whores in the city would be all over him but this lady clearly doesn’t want anything to do with him as I travel up to the ladys face above the man on steroids shoulder I know what that is living on the street from a young age you learn things I guess children my age shouldn’t reading book from the library one of the places I visited not only for the shelter but the books that go forever were safe haven, I see light blue eyes steering at me there scared but in seconds turn hard she shakes her head slightly as if she’s saying no, I stand there head tilted asking without asking for what she’s trying to say, she takes a deep breath closing her eyes then opening them she looks at me more determined using her eyes she looks out to the street then back to me I step towards them a little she shakes her head again with a panicked look eyeing the entrance again I stop does she want me to get help or does she not me to help I sniff the air quitely I can smell she doesn’t want It shes terrified but worried at the same time hmmmmm maybe she doesn’t understand I lean down towards my boot and grab the knife its not a little one either its a big hunting knife a gift from a whore who took it from a client its big in my hands I feel safe with it, I straighten up showing her the knife her eyes go wide and her lips part a little, that move gets a reaction out of the man on steroids he moans and I can hear a tearing sound the lady starts to struggle again “No” she starts to say I nod thinking she needs help now so I move when I look back at her she’s shaking her head though but its to late I’m already there,

I slice his ankles from behind getting his Achilles heel quickly using his momentum I grab as high as I can near his shoulder and throw him backwards landing with a thud on the alley floor he starts to roar just registering the pain the roar is loud it shakes my bones I turn now my back facing the lady my arms out wide as if I can hide her behind me I hear her suck in a breath I stay focused towards the man on steroids he’s on all fours now near the other side of the wall I steer him down as much as I can make my little skin on bones self look scary he sniffs humming a little “ well now what do we have here” he says sniffing the air again, with a slow smile he says “hmmm little wolf you will be mine” he looks at me up and down with a smirk that’s shows long white teeth that doesn’t shock me as much as him beginning to stand up my mouth drops open ‘what the hell, he shouldn’t be able to do that I know I cut deep, deep enough he probably shouldn’t be able to stand right now if ever, my shock must register to the peanut gallery as he starts to cackle “shifter ‘my’ dear little one” “where have you been hiding” he asks while sniffing the air towards me frowning a little what the hell is this guy on, don’t think its steroids after all, I shrug not knowing what he wants me to say but the slow knowing smirk he gives me says he about to show me, cracking comes from him painful to the sound that I flinch.