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One Night With The Billionaire Alpha

One Night With The Billionaire Alpha



Kaya was sold into a contract marriage by her parents, who sold her off for billion of dollars to their business partner, who was a billionaire and CEO but Kaya breaks the deal by having a one night stand with a stranger she met in a bar. Because of that her family must pay for her actions. What happens when they find out that the stranger she had sex with is the most sought after and wealthiest Alpha of the Lycan pack.
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I looked outside the window, my room was pink and large.

“ I hate this place. “ I said to myself cleaning the angry tears that fell from my eyes.

I heard a knock on the door, quickly I used the back of my palm to wipe away the tears from my face and I faked a smile, and shortly after Mrs Garcia, my mother in law to be stepped in.

“Have you seen your wedding dress yet?." Mrs Garcia asked me.

I turned around to look at her face, she had a big smile on her face that annoyed me. There was a wedding dress already?. But I've only been here for three weeks.

" I thought I was going to be the one to select the wedding dress by myself. “ I said to her.

" Don't be silly. “ She said to me with a very harsh tone. " Come and take a look at your dress, I'm sure Marcus would love it. “

“ Marcus”, I thought to myself. That pessimistic and arrogant man. I had only met Marcus three weeks ago but before I met him, I used to see him on TV and magazines, he was on Forbes most Influential people last month, he was the wealthiest business man in this part of the country, he was a successful young man and he had started to earn in millions since he was eighteen and in a short while, he had become a Multi billionaire and I was betrothed to get married to him.

None of my family members told me until three weeks ago, nobody told me that I was only a business deal. He gave my parents three billion dollars to get married to me because I was a virgin. I thought my parents loved me, I didn't know that I was going to be sold to a Multi billionaire.

Three weeks ago, I had arrived home from the convenience store where I worked and my parents sat me down to tell me that I was going to get married to their business partner Mr Marcus Garcia. They demanded that I packed my things and left heir house, they didn't even care if I was safe they just cared about their money. I was their only daughter and only child but still they didn't mind selling me off.

I followed Mrs Garcia and we reached a very big room, in the middle of the room was a ivory white wedding dress.

“It's beautiful." I told her.

“Of course it is, it cost millions of dollars."

“Are you sure it would fit?." I asked her. She turned to me and then she eyed me warily.

“Why wouldn't it fit?." She said and then she walked away.

I went closer and I touched the dress. I had other plans, I didn't want to get married. Tears filled my eyes, it blurred my vision. I cleaned the tears with the back of my palm and I started to storm out of the house.

I went downstairs and ran out of the house through the back door.

My feet was hitting the ground very fiercely but I didn't mind, I was trying with everything to run away from those inhumane people, I was running away from the pain and my fate. The tears were still blurring my vision, so I could hardly see but nothing would stop me from running away.

I didn't stop running until I stopped in front of a club.

This was the kind of place that I would go to keep myself busy. My chest rose and fell aggressively, I felt short of breath and very dizzy. My throat was patched and dry because I had been running for about half and hour now, it hurt me so much and I was very thirsty.

I turned around to see if anyone had followed me, but it seems like they didn't know that I had left the house, but eventually, if they found out, they would chase after me and they wouldn't stop till they found me. I didn't feel safe standing outside. I looked around the bar, there were signs of naked women and men, strip banners. I wondered if I should go into the strip club, what was I expecting if I went inside but I couldn't stay outside, I wasn't safe. My breathing had calmed down but my throat was still dry and my heart was beating too fast in my chest.

I stepped into the club and it was dark. I rubbed my hand on my eyes drying my tears completely. But the thought of my parents selling me off threatened more tears but I held them back.

I looked around the club, there was loud music playing.

I went to the bar and I ordered for a drink.

“Hey beautiful." I heard and I turned around to see a very handsome and tall man standing beside me. He had beautiful green eyes and very long lashes. He smiled, revealing his beautiful set of teeth.

I couldn't find words to respond to him. He stretched out his hand for a handshake, his diamond watch flashed and sparkled.

I took his hand and he drew me from my seat to place me on his body, his body was very hard and masculine.

He bent down and he smelt my neck.... What kind of a man is this?. I thought to myself.

“You smell like candy." He said to me and he used his tongue to lick my neck. I tried to pull out of his grip but he was too strong and his grip was too tight.

“Let go of me." I yelled at him.

He gave a small laugh.

“ I'm sorry but I couldn't control myself around you. You're beautiful. “ He said tracing my lips with his thumb. " What's your name?. “ He asked me.

" Kaya. “ I said to him.

" Hmm. “ He replied and returned to kissing and sniffing my neck. He rubbed his groin against me and I felt his hand cup my breasts. I froze, but I couldn't push him away, it felt really good.

" Why don't I take you home, you look good, you'll look prettier on my bed, hmm Kaya, what do you think. “ He said rubbing his hand over my arm. I couldn't think properly, why did this handsome man pick any interest in me. My eyes met with his green eyes and then my gaze fell on his pink juicy lips.

His grip on my arm tightened.

“Kaya, say something, I'm loosing myself." He growled in my ear.