Selena’s POV
The whip came down again and, surprisingly, another gasp left my dried-up lips. After all the pain, I was sure I’d passed out at some point.
But I was still awake...
Still able to hear the whip as it cracked through the air and came down on my skin. It split open from the force, blood trickling down my back and legs. The clothes I’d once called a dress were soaked in blood, sweat, and tears. Tatters of it still covered some of my modesty, but most of it was in tatters.
How had it come to this?
I closed my eyes, hoping that the memories would distract me from the pain. It coursed through my body like a flame, reaching from the tip of my toes to the top of my head. My bruised and battered skin felt hot and inflamed; as if it was stretched too thin. My muscles ached, and my arms and legs hurt. I couldn’t even feel my fingers anymore...
It had happened just as dusk settled over the pack land. I’d been in my rooms surrounded by the omegas who served me hand and foot. I couldn’t lift a finger without them offering to do it for me.
They fear my father too much not to…
In the corner of the room, there had been two burly bodyguards, watching my every move. Also they reeked of fear, anxious about my father’s disciplinary actions if they failed him.
The alarm had sounded, but we had been told to remain where we were. I’d barely had time to wrap my head around the whole situation when the doors had been broken down. The wolves who entered were enormous and took down my guards easily. I begged them to spare my servants, but my words fell on deaf ears. I was taken away and all I could hear were screams…
The wolves had taken me to the dungeon and thrown me in one of their cells. The dungeon was dark, dim, and smelled horrendous; and I didn’t even have the sensitive nose that werewolves have. I guess I could be grateful for at least that...
I’d tried to ask them questions, but every time I spoke I was met with a hated glare. And when I demanded an answer, they’d shut me up in an all too familiar way. But the familiar burn across my cheek only strengthened my resolve…
I asked again, and again I was met with the same reply. My head hurt from their brute strength, but I had to know. I needed to know that the omegas were safe. They were helpless! They couldn’t shift and couldn’t protect themselves from stronger regular werewolves…
“I’d be more worried about your own situation, Princess!” One of the men finally growled, gripping my hair and pulling me off the floor. It hurt, but I bit back a scream, refusing to show them any kind of weakness. In a wolf of werewolves, Alphas, and Kings, weakness got you killed…
“There’ll be nothing left of you when Rain Blood is done with you!”
My blood ran cold!
Rain Blood…
A merciless bastard, who killed for sports. He was a rogue, at first no real threat. Then he started taking over smaller packs, meticulously growing his following bigger and bigger. My father – the King of the Werewolves – had set out his army to take out this threat…
None had returned!
Roughly and mercilessly my captors had cuffed my hands to the chains. I was now suspended from the ceiling, my toes barely reaching the stone floor beneath me.
And then began the whipping…
At first, they concentrated on my back. But then my legs, arms, and torso were kissed with the silver whip. I wasn’t a werewolf, but the metal still struck me just as deeply and painfully. My eyes were already swollen shut from the beating they’d given me before. I felt blood drip into my mouth, but I wasn’t sure where it came from.
My broken nose or biting my lips…
“The King wants to see the princess,” one of my jailers suddenly said, after what felt like hours. My chains were released, and I crashed to the floor; yet again, surprised, I could still scream in pain.
Or even feel it!
But my legs and feet burned. My arms felt numb, and my head hit the stone bed with a thump. My vision swam, and a splitting headache threatened to tear my head in two.
But I was allowed no rest…
Rough hands pulled me up off the floor, dragging me along. I tried to move my feet, but I just wasn’t strong enough. They dragged across the floor, tearing off whatever skin remained. I muffled a whimper, hoping to retain my dignity at least.
Never show weakness…
As a human in a pack of werewolves, I learned this lesson young…
In the distance, I heard doors open and voices streamed into my stream of consciousness. With my blurry vision, I could see the outline of several werewolves lingering about. Some were still in their wolf form. Some still ripping into the flesh of their fallen enemy. They were celebrating their victory.
Celebrating my father’s death!
Which shouldn’t make a daughter feel relief, but I couldn’t help it. Tears formed in my eyes, wetting my bruised cheek.
I was free of him...
Even if this would be my last night alive, I would at least die, free of his oppression. Free from his cruelty and hate. Free from his torture and pain...
I barely managed a gasp, when I was thrown roughly on the floor. I tried to catch myself with my hands, but they slipped in something wet. My face connected with the floor, shooting pain up my nose and into my head. My brain felt like it was being stabbed with long, cold objects, and more blood gushed down my face. In the distance, I could hear someone snicker, while others were catcalling me.
“Princess Selena Throme!” Some announcer called out my name. I tried glancing up, just barely making out the black figure that arrogantly lounged on my father’s throne.
Rain Blood...
The fool!
The throne didn’t belong to him!
It hadn’t even belonged to my father. He’d claimed it 10 years ago, after murdering the rightful king and queen. I’d been a child back then, but old enough to understand what was going on. To understand that my father had committed treason and deserved to die.
He had deserved this...
In all these years, I’d never acknowledged him as king, which had pissed him off on more than one occasion. He’d called me naive, stupid, and an arrogant, spoiled bitch. He’d called me worthless and a whore, just like my mother. He’d taken his hatred and frustration out on me. Every time I stood up to him, I knew he might very well kill me in his anger.
I didn’t care!
He was a coward, who resorted to underhanded and deceitful tactics just to sit on a fancy chair. He wasn’t an alpha. He wasn’t a king! He didn’t earn, much less deserve my respect. For all I cared, he could all go to hell…
All of them!
Someone roughly grabbed my hair, pulling me up off the floor. I gritted my teeth, trying not to scream, but I couldn’t stop it. Tears and blood streamed down my face and a ghost of a scream slipped between my lips. It hurt so much!
Why couldn't they just kill me already?
I’d suffered all my life. The day my mother died was the last day I ever felt loved. If I ever cared about anyone, my father would use them against me. Hurt them and make them suffer. He’d hurt the weak to keep me in line, forcing me to do his bidding. I’d hated every single second I’d been forced to fake a smile. Ever fancy dress he’d force me to wear. My golden cage was littered with blood of innocent people, because of his sick perversion…
Why couldn’t it just end?
“Stupid bitch,” I heard someone growl and a kick to my legs had me stifling another scream. But I soon understood his intentions, when he forced my head down, so I was in a kneeling position.
“Bow down before your King!”
I wanted to laugh in his face. And yes, there was a good chance that after all this time, I’d finally snapped. It had all been too much. The pain and suffering I’d been through for the last 10 years. The lashing I’d received tonight. The relief to know that my father was dead…
Or perhaps I just knew I was screwed!
But it resolved something inside of me. I’d never bowed down before in my life; I wasn’t going to start during the last moments of my life…
With the last drops of will that I had, I forced my body to move. Stunned silence filled the room as I fought to get to my feet. My body ached, my legs shook. I didn’t have the strength, but I didn’t care. My heart slammed against my ribs, every beat making me want to throw up. The rushing in my ears had the room spinning, but I refused to give in to the darkness.
Just a little while longer…
Finally, I was upright. Panting from the efforts, I felt sick. Blood and bile mixed in my mouth. The salt in my tears burned the open gashes on my face, but stubbornly, I held my head high. The black blur that I assumed was Rain Blood watching me; eyeing me much in the same way a predator watches his prey.
I’d expected nothing less from the man that killed the king...
“I bow for no man!” I pushed between my teeth--- ignoring how the room fell into disarray.
Growls and curses…
Swearing and promises of blood and pain!
But I didn’t pay attention to any of them. The man on the throne moved so fast that he was standing before me before I managed to blink. Finally, I could see him more clearly. I hated to say it, but he was handsome in a classical, masculine way. His hair was so dark, it almost looked dyed, but a part of me instantly knew that this man would rather be caught dead than fall prey to vanity. His lips were pulled down into a frown and a part of me vaguely recognized that he’d look really handsome if he smiled.
But his eyes…
So dark and rich, they looked like twin orbs of obsidian rock. And the way he looked at me, I felt as if he was looking right into my soul. Looking for something that only he knew how to find...
I wasn’t sure what happened after that. But I was pretty sure I was going to die, so it didn’t really matter. The darkness finally took me away, and I was happy to let it. At least I wouldn’t feel the pain when they tore into me.
My last thought?
Those eyes looked awfully familiar...