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Alpha's Supremacy [Erotic Stories Compilation]

Alpha's Supremacy [Erotic Stories Compilation]



WARNINGWARNING:/R-18 /MATURE CONTENT/ [Alpha's Erotic Stories] Prepare to indulge yourself in a world where lust, sin, and sexual Debauchery have no boundaries, sexuality dominates, and fantasies come alive. Every Dream of yours is sure to come to life in this electric compilation of erotic shorts
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Munezo and David armed with their M-14 marksman assault rifle and a crossbow with a loaded tranquilizer arrow ready and primed to fire noticed suspicious and quick movement along the tree line. Scanning the area utilizing their Night Vision Goggles and aiming their crossbows they focused on the unknown movement.

"Ken, we got some company," reported David.

"I sense it," replied Ken, "keep your eyes sharp men! They're here."

Munezo is the first to see the faces of these lycanthropes. The wolf like creatures surrounded the camp and started to cautiously move closer.

"Here they come," Munezo warned the rest of the team as he aimed at the nearest werewolf and fired his crossbow.

The tranquilizer arrow hit their mark at the jugular veins of the creature, the werewolf yelps and ran off. The mercenary was surprised to discover that the sedation drug have no or little effect on the creature. David tracked the same creature aiming his crossbow. When he have felt secured that a hit is guaranteed, his finger squeezed around the trigger releasing the arrow. Again another yelp emitted from the creature, as it ran deep into the tree line. The two mercenaries reloaded their crossbows and scanned the area again. To their surprise the other werewolves have disappeared and melted to the beyond the tree line.

"I've counted three here Ken," said Marion.

"I got five in the south," reported Shintaro.

"I see four here in the west," Carlos added.

"I swore there were four here in the east," Munezo told Ken.

"I agree with Munezo, there are four of them," affirmed David. "That makes it sixteen werewolves Ken," Hitori calculated for the group.

"Ken, they'll be back," informed Brittany Collins.

Kenshiro Dima'uga sighs out as he analyzes the information he was given.

"Keep eyes open and keep sharp people," Ken ordered his men, "you all heard the lady."

From the trees, a pair of werewolves made their way, quickly and swiftly they landed in the middle of the camp.


Brit, Tom and Kyle startled fell on their back as the werewolves pounced, a hail of bullets greeted the pair of werewolves. FN-Minim 5.56mm SAW rounds riddled the flesh of the two monsters from three gunners. The lycanthropes yelp and stopped their attack as they leaped up and ran away from the camp. Ken quickly ran towards the two assistants of Brittany Collins, as he kneeled down on one knees, he aimed his FN-SCAR 5.56mm rifle, selected burst mode, and fired towards the retreating creatures. Carlos, Marion, and Shintaro raised their weapons up.

"Was that what I think it is?"

"Yes Ken those are the werewolves," replied Brittany as she picked herself up

A growl startled Ken as he quickly aimed his weapon at the source. Another werewolf appeared and mauled Kyle viscously who screams in pain and agony as the creature tear the flesh from his body. Blood splashed from open veins, showering Brittany, Ken, and Tom.

"Son of a bitch," Ken aimed and fired in full automatic emptying his magazine at the creature.

Yelping, the creature grabbed his kill and swiftly ran, taking Kyle's body away from the camp trailed by a hail of bullets from the trio of SAW gunners. Hitori quickly scanned the area as he picked up Tom from the ground, as he looked at the man, it is obvious that the assistant is going through a state of shock.

"Ken, we got to get this man in a warm place and soon."

"I agree, Hitori," Ken replied to the man who is tasked as the team's medic.

Suddenly from the shadows, four creatures attacked Munezo and David's position. Ditching their use of the crossbow, both men opted to aim with their M-14 and fired their weapons. Immediately Ken with Carlos, Marion, and Shintaro rushed to their aid as they aimed and fired their weapons. 5.56mm and 7.62mm rounds riddled each of the wolves like creatures as they yelp and stagger from their attack. The mercenaries were surprised to see that none of the creatures have fallen dead from the wounds that were inflicted to them.

"Damn it these bastards don't die," yelled Marion.

"Keep up your fire and disperse them," ordered Ken.

Running back into the tree line, each of the werewolves hasten their speed trying to avoid the pain which each of the Ken's men can cause with their weapons.

"Fall back and we have to move out of here soon," said Ken to his men rushing back to Brit and her assistant, "I'm sorry to say this Brittany but your safety and Tom's safety are more vital than capturing one of those creatures. We have to go and go now!"

"What about Kyle?"

"He's gone Brit. Now lets load up the Land Rover and go," instructed Ken, "Munezo, David, and Hitori, load up the vehicle. Carlos, Marion, and Shintaro. With me and secure the area."

The men did as they were told, while the three people started to load up the Land Rover, another werewolf rushed in fast. Tom was the first to see the creature. Turning his head at the oncoming lycanthrope, he was greeted by a quick and vicious swipe as the creature passed by him. Munezo and David dropped their load of important documented data as they reached for their weapon, aiming to fire David saw at the side of his eyes Tom's head fell to the right as his body fell forward. Blood gushed out of the neck as he fired his M-14 rifle at the giant nine-foot tall werewolf. Munezo aimed at the same creature, a swipe on his back tossed the mercenary five-foot from where he is. David looked to his left and saw the jaws of another werewolf bent to maul his neck, he screamed in defiance as the werewolf snap his neck in two decapitating the mercenary.

"David," shouted Ken as he rushed forward firing his weapon at the hip.

A third werewolf landed behind the mercenary team leader growling bent on killing the one who have led this pack of humans to his domain thinking that they can be superior than the werewolves.

"Behind you Ken," Carlos aimed and fired his SAW rifle at the creature.

Kenshiro Dima'uga spins around and fired his FN-SCAR assault rifle, emptying the magazine at the creature. He released and ejected the empty one and quickly replacing it with a fresh magazine. Jamming the magazine into place he aimed and fired again at the werewolf, determine to kill this creature of the dark and of myth.


His weapon spitted lead that riddled the werewolf's chest. While bits and pieces of flesh and blood are chipped away, a bloody hole emerged. Ken grabs one of his phosphorous grenades, removed the pin and shoved it deep inside the werewolf's wound as he aim and fired his weapon once again. Moving to the side as fast as his legs can take him he then focused on the pair of werewolves devouring the meat from his fallen man and Tom's decapitated body. He aimed and fired at the two feasting werewolves as an explosion ripped apart the third creature, burning and sending its charred bloody body in all directions.

"Ken we're behind you," said Marion followed by Carlos and Shintaro firing their SAW rifles at the two werewolves.

Loading his grenade launcher with a phosphorous round, he aimed at the creature's head and emptied his 5.56mm magazine at the creature before firing his grenade launcher. Immediately the creature limp to the ground on top of its victim, like Tom's half eaten body, the werewolf has had its head blown off. The werewolf next to it saw what just happened to its partner and grabs David's body running away. All the way to the tree line bullets riddled the werewolf from Ken, Marion, Carlos, and Shintaro's weapons.

"See how you like that little dog," Ken uttered out.

Hitori saw what was at stake as he helped Munezo off his feet, another werewolf leaped in front of the two. Immediately he swung his FN-SCAR into position and fired his whole clip, remembering what he just witnessed from Ken's dealing with the werewolf. Hitori swiftly thumb the safety off of his grenade launcher and fired letting the phosphorous grenade do its wonders. The creature exploded in a burst of flames as Hitori led Munezo to the Land Rover.

"Carlos you drive! Everybody else, get in," Ken said to his group of survivors.

Immediately the remaining seven people hurriedly take their seat, Ken, Marion, and Shintaro made certain that the werewolves do not attack them by surprise.

"Every one is in Ken," Carlos shouted towards the their team leader gunning the engine and turning on the head lights of the Land Rover, "Get everyone else inside."

After taking their seats, Ken slammed the door close as Carlos shifted the gear and drove off.

"Everyone here alright?"

"Munezo is ok just a bruise and a few broken ribs," replied Hitori.

"Where we going anyways?"

Carlos followed the road as he asked the question.

"There's an empty cabin about 10 miles down this road," replied Brit.

"That will be a good place for us to rest before getting out of this area," said Marion, "besides, we need to sort out our ammunition and see how much gas we have left."

"I would never have believe in those...things but I would never would have guessed that they really existed."

"Who would have believed that they existed Shintaro," Ken answered, "even I cannot believe that these werewolves existed."

Ken looked back, from the distance he could see the werewolves gathering as they howled at the night, most people have said that when the howling begins death is not far behind.

"They won't stop until we get out of their territory Ken," Brittany Collins said to the mercenary team leader answering the question he has in his mind.

"The night have just begun hasn't it Brit?"