
Let’s Read The World

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Author:Authouress okonkwo Blessing


Eleanor was betrothed to devil (Lucas) even before her birth. It is a deal between her father and Lucas Her father was saved by Lucas and Lucas made him to promise to give his unborn daughter to him once she is born But Eleanor's father couldn't fulfil his promise,he thought Lucas was joking nit knowing he was serious when making him to make such promise Eleanor's father made his wife to run away with the Eleanor and gave her a crystal which will protect her from Lucas Eleanor's father end up dying,but who actually killed him Lucas sworn not to give up in looking for Eleanor and he must make sure he finds her no matter what His life is mingled with her life, if he can't kiss her before she turns twenty he is likely to loose all his powers and he will be worthless But where will he find Eleanor since Maggie her mother has hidden her far away from him Is already eighteen years and he has two years left, he seriously need to find her at all cost because she holds the key to his life Eleanor left her mother's cage and was about to meet her doom, her mother warned her not to leave the protection of the crystal magic because if she does her enemies will find her But being so tired of staying in the forest all her life for eighteen, Eleanor left the protection of magic crystal Lucas found her but her mother died, what could also be the cause of her mother She hated Lucas and blamed him for his mother's death But she belongs to Lucas and no one else, their life is mingled. If one dies, the other dies to. It was so hurtful to her, why will her life be mingled with a devil... That is the worst thing that could ever happen to her Will she be able to find the real enemy who killed her parents. The real enemy who wants her and Lucas dead
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Charles pov

"Come on Maggie, you need to leave with our baby now" I rush off my words panting heavily

"What happened" Maggie my wife ask carrying our baby firm in her palm

"There is no time for questions Maggie, Lucas is on his way here and he wants to take our child from us"

"What!, I won't allow him do that. We can't give our baby to that devil, we must protect our baby from him"

"That's why I'm telling you to leave now, he will be here any moment. I regret ever having a deal with him, I never knew he was serious about taking our baby as his betrothed"

"What about you?" She ask

"I need to be here to distract him so that he won't go after you two, Make sure you protect our baby and don't ever let Lucas get hold of her, Lucas is not the only one after our baby, Oscar is also after our baby and I wonder why"

"No Charles, I can't leave you here all alone"

"Come on Maggie, we need to protect our baby. Just run and run very far away, a place where Lucas will never find you" I urge her as I stare at out beautiful daughter

It is all my fault, I shouldn't have make such deal with Lucas. I took our baby's tiny wrist and kiss it as tears find their way down my cheeks. I wonder what Oscar want from our baby cos I got no business with him

I gasp as I notice her wrist glow. Oh! No, this can't be, She can't be a mutant, it will be much easier for Lucas or Oscar to find her

"Is there a problem?" Maggie ask as she notice my worried face

"You won't be able to hide our baby from him Maggie, he will still find her" I mutter in disappointment

"What! How then are we going to protect our child from him?" Maggie ask as she couldn't control her tears. I can understand how scared she is to loose her baby, we have seek for a child for the past eight years of our marriage and now that we are bless with one, Lucas is trying to take her away from us

"Don't worry Maggie, our child will be protected" I said and she wears on a curious look

My mind flash to the magic Crystal in my drawer, I rush to my drawer and brings it out

"Here have this, invoke this Crystal in front of the building that you are going to live with our daughter, with this Crystal Lucas nor Oscar will be able to find her and don't allow our baby to leave the protection of this Crystal because once she does, Lucas and Oscar will be able to find her" I state giving her the Crystal

"Our baby must live a normal life and don't ever allow her to discover her powers, her powers can only destroy her if she won't be able to control it besides she don't need the power, it will only add to her problems" I add

''I understand everything you said Charles but still you need to go with us, I can't afford to lose you" Maggie mutters in tears

"No Maggie, this is the only thing I can do for you and my daughter and besides everything that is happening now is all my fault.... You should start leaving now. Run as far as you could and make sure to protect our baby" I urges her. She hestitated for some while before running away through the back door

I noticed Lucas presence at once and scuttle to the sitting room and as I expected he is there

"Hi Charles" he voice out. I couldn't even speak, I was just starring at him

"Where is my betrothed, I've come to take her with me" he add

"She is gone, she is not with me" I stutters and I can see the anger in his eyes

"Provide her at once or face my wrought" he grime huskily

"I said that she is gone!" I cut in as his eyes turn pure red

I feel a hand straggling me and no one needs to tell me that it is him

"She is mine and no one can take her from me, provide her now or I kill you" he graveled

"You can kill me Lucas but I won't allow you take my daughter away"

"I saved your life and you promised to give me your daughter, why are you backing down from your promise now. Your daughter is my betrothed to me and she is my soul mate, my life mingles with hers"

"I am sorry Lucas but my baby can't be yours, I've already take her far away from you and you won't be able to see her ever again" I voice out, his face dim in much anger as he strangles me the more and I can feel his fingers piercing through my flesh

I don't mind dying but I will never allow Lucas have my baby, my baby won't forgive me if I give her to the devil

Lucas Pov

I am clouded with anger right now, I can't believe this man decived me

I saved him from the people that wanted to kill him and I requested of him his unborn child

I found out that my life mingles with his unborn child and I can't live without her that was why I saved him so that I can make him promise me his child

I will loose all my powers and likely to die if I do not kiss his child before twenty years of her birth and not only that, I should also make sure that his child is always by my side. If his child dies, I die and if his child lives, I live

No matter what I will find that child, she is the only key to my life. Before twenty years, I will make sure to find her and kiss her or else I loose all my powers

"Tell me where your child is!" I shriek in anger. I shouldn't have trust this man, I should have been there when his wife is giving birth so I can take the baby once she gives birth to her

"I told you that she is gone, there is no way you can find her again" he voice out as my anger increase

No matter what I do to him, even if I kill him I don't think he will tell me where the child is

I think I shouldn't waste my time with him, I should go and look for the child Probably the mother must have run away with her

I release my grip from his neck as he gasp for breath and staggers backwards but suddenly a magical arrow hits his chest

He groan as he falls down brutally, I rush up to him but he is already dead. I stare out through the window as my eyes caught Oscar running away

I clench my fist in anger, I know he is the one that killed him and he is probably going after that baby but I won't allow him

He is going to kill the baby once his hands got hold of her. He is my enemy and he knows that my life is mingled with that baby and that is why he wants the baby dead but I won't allow him do such

I ran after him but I wasn't able to catch up with him. I searched the whole country for the baby, but I didn't find her

But that doesn't mean I will give up, I won't rest until I find that baby. She is a mutant and once her wrist glows, I will be able to find her

She is mine and no one can take her away from me

Oscar Pov

I will make sure to find that baby before Lucas does, and once I find the baby I will kill her

If Lucas wasn't able to kiss the baby before twenty years, he will loose all his powers and I will be able to defeat him

I hate him so much and can't wait for him to die, and I will be able to take over the black eagle


Eleanor Pov

I walk into the beautiful garden as I inhale the usual scent

This garden is the only place I could freely visit apart being locked up by mum in our cottage

I and mum planted the beautiful flowers that makes this garden stunning, I dedicated most of my life to this garden and I've known no where but this garden

I haven't walk far beyond this garden, since childhood mum has been sounding it like a music to my ears that the day I will walk past this garden that I will meet my doom

I've severally ask her to explain more to me but she will only stand on her usual phrase

She is unable to tell me why my life will be in danger if I ever walk past this garden

I stare down at my wrist, sometimes I do feel pains there and whenever such is happening to me, mum would give me some liquid to drink

I also ask her about the liquid but she says it will subside the pain which truly the liquid does subside the pain but I'm having a feeling that the liquid is more than what mum said

Whenever I drink that liquid, I will feel like something left my body, I will feel weak for some minutes

I've ask mum about my father and she said that he died long ago and it is really saddening that I wasn't able to meet my father

I don't know if there is anyone else in this world apart from me and mum and our domestic animals but mum told me that the world is full of people

"If the world is full of people, why can't you allow me meet those people mum?" I will normally ask her

"Because it is dangerous to meet those people, believe me my child, I am only protecting you because the very day you will walk past that garden you will surely meet your death" she would reply but I'm not always satisfied with the answer. I really want to know more on why mum is restricting me from meeting the outside world and why my life will be in danger

To be continued

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