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Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands

Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands



The Prince is sent to the former territory of King Solomon to study under his elder brother, Malik. When he arrives he discovers the palace is under siege, and in a desperate gamble, Malik releases "King Solomon's Army" only discover he has freed a evil Djinn named Ratash, who is determined to destroy humankind for imprisoning him. With the help of a water Djinn named Razia, the Prince embarks on an epic adventure in which he will learn to bear the mantle of true leadership, and discover that great power often comes with a great cost.
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  Visiting his brother's kingdom following his adventure in Azad, the Prince finds the royal palace under siege from a mighty army bent on its destruction. When the decision is made to use the ancient power of the Sand in a desperate gamble to save the kingdom from total annihilation, the Prince will embark on an epic adventure in which he will learn to bear the mantle of true leadership, and discover that great power often comes with a great cost.

  After entering the fractured and washed out realm of Razia, he is struck by a familiarity that he cannot explain. Approaching a fountain underneath a gazebo, he attempts to drink the water within when he notices a face within. Razia, awake and angry, demands to know who he is and what he has done.

  A kingdom was in trouble.

  The Prince departs from his home in Babylon at the request of his father, Sharaman, on a quest to see his brother, Malik. He is to learn leadership skills for his future. When the Prince arrives to Malik's kingdom, he finds it under attack by an army who are attempting to breach the treasure vaults for a great power known as "Solomon's Army".

  Visiting his brother's kingdom following his adventure in Azad, the Prince finds the royal palace under siege from a mighty army bent on its destruction. When the decision is made to use the ancient power of the Sand in a desperate gamble to save the kingdom from total annihilation, the Prince will embark on an epic adventure in which he will learn to bear the mantle of true leadership, and discover that great power often comes with a great cost.

  Fresh from his adventures in Azad, the Prince travels to Malik's kingdom to tutor under him when his brother releases the Sand Army. He works with the Marid, Razia, to recapture the Sand Army and Ratash when the seal that kept them trapped is broken and his brother is possessed by Ratash.

  Razia - The Queen of the Marid, Razia rests within her realm when the Prince and Mailk release the Sand Army and Ratash. Working with the Prince to undo their mistakes, Razia guides the Prince through the old kingdom of Solomon and endows the Prince with the Powers of the Djinn.

  Malik, The oldest son of King Sharaman, Mailk was protector of the kingdom that was once Solomon's and the keeper of the seal meant to keep Ratash and Sand Army from escaping. Misunderstanding what King Solomon's Treasure Vault kept inside, he released them both on the kingdom. When his half of the seal protecting him and the Prince is shattered, he is possessed by Ratash.

  Ratash, The antagonist of The Forgotten Sands. Ratash is an Ifrit who was trapped within King Solomon's treasure vault centuries ago to protect the world from his desire to destroy mankind and the Djinn who allied with Solomon. When Malik frees him, he attacks Malik's kingdom. When he possesses Malik, he attempts to escape the kingdom to destroy the world.

  King Solomon The late and former of ruler of the Kingdom that Malik now protects, Solomon was a great ruler and ally to the Djinn. He fought alongside the Djinn to defeat Ratash and sealed the army away. He allied himself with the family of Sharaman and saw to it that they continued to prevent the release of Ratash.

  . After entering the fractured and washed out realm of Razia, he is struck by a familiarity that he cannot explain. Approaching a fountain underneath a gazebo, he attempts to drink the water within when he notices a face within. Razia, awake and angry, demands to know who he is and what he has done.

  A Kingdom in Trouble

  The Prince departs from his home in Babylon at the request of his father, Sharaman, on a quest to see his brother, Malik. He is to learn leadership skills for his future. When the Prince arrives to Malik's kingdom, he finds it under attack by an army who are attempting to breach the treasure vaults for a great power known as "Solomon's Army". The Prince charges into the city, and tracks Malik to King Solomon's treasure vault.

  Here, Malik proposes that he is fighting a losing battle, and needs to rely on a last resort or be forced to retreat. The Prince strongly objects, feeling that Mailk needs to tend to the people who've survived, but Malik releases Solomon's Army using a magical seal.

  Solomon's Army is an assortment of different creatures, all made of enchanted sand. The Prince and Malik both manage to obtain halves of the seal used to unleash the army, and it protects them from being turned into sand statues, which is the fate of the rest of the kingdom. The seals also allows them to absorb the power of the enemies they defeat. Malik is separated from the Prince, who finds a portal that leads him to the domain of Razia, a Djinn.

  Making Things Right

  Razia tells the Prince that the only way to re-imprison Solomon's Army is to reunite both halves of the seal used to bind them. Razia gives the Prince special powers and has him set out to find Malik and the other half of the seal. When the Prince finds Malik, his brother decides he isn't interested in stopping Solomon's Army, but instead wants to destroy it and use its power to become a stronger leader.

  The Prince charges into the city, and tracks Malik to King Solomon's treasure vault.