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Trapped Between Alphas

Trapped Between Alphas

Author:Beth Venning


"I, Eliana Calaway, the daughter of Alpha Stephan, Of The Midnight Pack, reject you, Bruce Marner, the Alpha of The Dark Wolf Pack as my mate!" I say coldly, but Bruce doesn't want to accept that rejection, so he turns to me and says, "No, I won't accept that! No one can reject me, and you can’t run away from me and back to that bloody Colten!" I could feel the intense pain from my organs, which is the punishment from the goddess. But I refuse to go back to The Dark Wolf Pack with Bruce again, when he refused to save my brother, it was all over between us. So, I repeat my rejection again! Even though Bruce is bearing more pain, he insists on his decision, and screams, "No, never!" I prepare for my third attempt of the rejection, now I could barely stand up due to the extreme pain, but I managed ro remain standing with the help of Colten, and I say to Bruce steadfast, "Bruce, the Alpha of The Dark Wolf Pack, I order you to accept my rejection!" ************************************************************************************** When another pack attacks the place Eliana called home, she is forced to flee for her life and join another pack. But things are never easy for little Eliana, every werewolf celebrates shifting into this wolves on their 18th birthday, but that never happened. Her wolf has been in a coma like state with no telling if she’ll ever wake, Eliana is trapped in her human form which makes her a target. While fleeing for her life she comes across two different Alpha’s, one a gentleman, nice and sweet. While the other, cold and heartless. Both catching Eliana’s attention, both her Alpha mates. She must choose between the two, who both want nothing more than for her to wear their marks. But there can only be one.
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Pure chaos, everybody screaming while fleeing for their lives. The lingering smell of blood filling the cold air around me, the place I knew as home was now a scene of death and destruction. The Luna Moon Pack was closing in with every painful second that would tick by, I stood frozen in fear my body not remembering how to function. My eyes scan my surroundings, where I spot the most horrifying scene in front of me. My father lay on the ground, blood pouring from a wound on his neck, motionless.

“Father!” I scream my legs finally allowing me to move, which only aided the attackers sights to be set on me.

I sprint as fast as my legs would take me over to him but before I could reach him, Meredith, my fathers wife runs in front of me creating a blockade between me and my father.

“You have to let me by, I can help him!” I plead whilst trying my hardest to push passed her, but I was still wolf-less which meant she had the upper hand.

“There’s no hope for your father, leave before you receive the same fate” she tells me pushing me further away from him, he was the only person who I truly felt cared for me, I couldn’t leave him to die all alone.

“I’m not leaving him here!” I cry attempting to dig my heels into the mud under my feet, but she continues to easily push me away.

“Do as you’re told, even that can’t be hard for you!” She shouts taking ahold of my jacket with both hands, before I could comprehend what was happening I’m thrown onto the back of a grey wolf.

I lift my head up from its fur where just by it’s scent, I knew it was my half brother Harvey. I attempt to jump off but he nudges me so I land back down, instinctively taking ahold of his fur so I didn’t fall to the dirt.

“We don’t have time for you to be a brat about this Eliana, you are to run over to the Blood Moon pack and ask for protection. This pack will be no more” Meredith coldly tells me where I shake my head, my tears rolling down my cheeks and landing onto Harvey’s back “leave now!” She shouts aggressively which does cause Harvey to bolt into the cover of the surrounding trees, I held so tightly onto his fur crying uncontrollably.

The wind whipped through my hair as we get further and further away from home, I couldn’t control the tears that escaped my eyes and landed onto Harvey’s now wet fur. Memories of the past few hours start to take over my mind. Tonight was supposed to be a happy occasion, my father should have known better than to invite Alpha Thomas. We all let our guards down and that’s what gave him his opportunity to strike, why didn’t some pack members stay sober? They were no help when the attacks began, not even poor Jacob.

Jacob walks from the pack house to get some fresh air, tonight was the celebration of his Alpha initiation ceremony so his day had been hectic. He walks down the steps just listening to the wind blow through the trees, the only peaceful moment he has found this entire night. He takes a seat down on the steps looking around at the pack which will be his, when screaming starts to erupt from the surrounding area. He looks to the side where his view is filled with wolves and fighters running towards the unsuspecting pack, he knew it was down to him to protect his pack now. But before he could try and warn the pack of the incoming attack, he notices a pregnant she-wolf attempting to flee but a blood thirsty wolf was close approaching her. Jacob springs to action running and tackling the wolf to the ground.

“Go to safely!” He shouts turning back to look at the woman who was clutching onto her stomach, he nods her head worriedly before turning and disappearing into the night.

As soon as Jacob’s full attention was diverted from the wolf, it takes its opportunity and picks Jacob up by the scruff of his neck and flings him into a tree breaking his neck instantly.

Alpha Stephan runs from the pack house, where he’s forced to witness his sons last moments. His “best friend” Alpha Thomas walks down the steps chuckling to himself, as the fighters from The Midnight Pack attempt to protect their home from the savage invaders.

“Thomas, these are your fighters” Stephan says staring at the horrors that were unfolding in front of him, Thomas chuckles nodding his head “I invite you to my home and you choose to repay me in this manner?!” Stephan shouts running down the final steps of pack house, striding angrily over to Thomas who’s smile didn’t move from his lips.

“Never heard the saying, keep your friends close but your enemies closer” he smirks looking Stephan dead in the eyes as he spoke “where’s that beautiful daughter of yours, how about I show her a good time?” He asks scanning his surroundings to look for Eliana, this was the final straw for Stephan who runs and punches Thomas up the face.

They struggle for a few minutes Stephan getting the upper hand, Thomas underestimated Stephan’s skill. Stephan kicks Thomas to the ground, where he lays on his stomach for a few seconds.

“Meredith, take Eliana and get as far away from this pack as possible. You can’t let her be kidnapped by Luna Moon pack, they will take advantage of her good looks and use her like a whore. Take care of my sweet daughter for me, I will find you when I have the opportunity” Stephan mind-links his wife Meredith, his daughter hadn’t shifted into her wolf yet which meant he couldn’t warn her himself.

He is soon snapped out of his trance by a sudden pain in his neck, he looks down to see blood starting to spur from a wound on his neck. Thomas stood there smirking as Stephan drops to the floor.

We continue zipping passed the maze of trees, along the journey we’re joined by another wolf, which I knew was Meredith. I lift my head up looking at the stars above me, the light of the blood moon shining down on us lighting the way. If I had my way, I’d run back home and nurse my father back to health but I had no power. When a werewolf turns eighteen, they’re able to shift into their wolves and can then mind-link with everybody in their pack. When I turned eighteen my wolf never woke up, she’s still fast asleep which means I can’t shift or mind-link with anyone, nobody really knows when she will wake or even if she will.

Huge howls erupt from behind us which tells me the horror I’d been dreading, The Midnight Pack is no more, it has been destroyed by Alpha Thomas of The Luna Moon Pack. Everything I know and love has been ripped away from me, I have nobody anymore now my father is gone. No parents, no friends nothing. I have Harvey who I only share half of the same blood as him and Meredith, who hates me as I took my fathers attention away from her.

I’m alone.